U.S. Senator Wayne Allard

U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Congressman Joel Hefley

Congressman John Salazar


For Immediate Release

March 8, 2006

CONTACTS:    Angela de Rocha – Sen. Allard Press Secretary


Drew Nannis – Sen. Salazar Press Secretary


Kim Sears – Cong. Hefley Press Secretary


Nayyera Haq – Cong. Salazar Press Secretary







WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Senators Wayne Allard (R-Colorado) and Ken Salazar (D-Colorado), Colorado 5th District U.S. Representative Joel Hefley (R-Colorado Springs) and 3rd District U.S. Representative John Salazar (D- Mannassa) are co-sponsoring legislation to create a Pikes Peak Region national cemetery near Colorado Springs.


The legislation would lead to the development of a national veterans’ cemetery for El Paso, Fremont, Teller and Pueblo counties to better serve veterans in Southern Colorado.


“We believe this legislation addresses a significant need in the area that has been brought to my attention repeatedly by community leaders and local veterans service organizations,” Senator Allard said. “The growing military-retiree and veteran population in the area is driving this bill. The 2000 Census indicated that as many as 103,000 veterans and 110,000 spouses who may be eligible for burial in a national cemetery reside in the area we have identified to be served by this new facility.”


“We owe our nation’s veterans a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid,” said Senator Salazar. “At the very least, we must ensure that we honor their lives with a resting place close to their homes that can be easily visited by their families. The veterans of the Pike’s Peak and Southern Colorado region deserve a place where their lives can be remembered and honored in the communities they touched so directly.”


Southern Colorado has a proud heritage of military service and our veterans deserve proper recognition for their service.  A veterans’ cemetery is a fitting memorial for those who have passed on, and we are in desperate need of one in Southern Colorado. The region’s military community only continues to grow and families should not have to drive several hours to visit the gravesite of their loved ones,” Congressman John Salazar said.


“So many veterans have chosen to retire in the Pikes Peak region, and clearly it would be desirable if their final resting place could also be there,” Congressman Hefley said. “We have worked hard for several years to get a veterans’ cemetery in the area, and I believe this legislation will put us a step closer to getting the job done.”


Last year Senator Allard introduced and Senator Salazar was an original co-sponsor of S 551, and Congressman Hefley introduced HR1159, both of which would authorize the creation of a Colorado Springs metro area cemetery. The National Cemetery Administration was concerned because a new Colorado Springs metro area cemetery would have been closer than 75 miles to Colorado’s Fort Logan National Cemetery, 75 miles being the proximity limit required by the Department of Veterans Affairs.


“Establishing a service area outside the 75-mile radius will get Veterans Affairs and the National Cemetery Administration to take a badly needed second look at this region’s veteran population,” Senator Allard said.


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