U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

November 18, 2005

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Press Secretary


Jen Clanahan – Deputy Press Secretary



Sen. Salazar Statement on Iraq and Congressman Murtha’s Comments

Washington, D.C. – “Jack Murtha is one of the most decorated combat veterans in Congress. He is a retired Marine Corps colonel with 37 years of service and a Vietnam combat veteran. He has received the Bronze Star, two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

Republicans and Democrats alike know that for 30 years Congressman Murtha’s highest priority has been strengthening our armed forces and protecting our uniformed men and women.

I disagree with those who disrespect him and call him words like ‘cowardly.’ They are wrong.

I respect his opinion.

My own personal position is that I stand by the Resolution the Senate passed by a broad bipartisan margin earlier this week.

Democrats and Republicans in the Senate agree that we need a strategy for success in Iraq. That’s why the Republican amendment considered this week was virtually the same as the Democratic amendment. Both amendments shared the same purpose -- ‘to clarify and recommend changes to the policy of the United States in Iraq.’

For me what that means is requiring a strategy for success in Iraq. I disagree with specific arbitrary timelines. Neither the Democratic or Republican Resolutions required a timeline for departure.

In my point of view, we need to go through the December 15th elections and we need to have a plan for our forces on the ground as they reach milestones of success.”

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