U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

September 1, 2005

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Press Secretary


Jen Clanahan – Deputy Press Secretary





DENVER, CO – U.S. Senator Ken Salazar visited the American Red Cross Mile High Chapter today to tour the facility where a significant portion of the Hurricane Katrina victim’s calls are being routed. Senator Salazar, his wife Hope and oldest daughter Melinda met with volunteers, took some aid calls, made a plea for donations to aid organizations and discussed Congress’ decision to reconvene this evening to approve emergency funding to Gulf Coast states affected by Hurricane Katrina. Senator Salazar also delivered a personal contribution to the Red Cross as well as several from his staff and others that share the building where his Denver Senate office is located.

“Our Nation is one large community and now more than ever we need to rally as a community all our thoughts and prayers for the people affected by Hurricane Katrina,” said Salazar. “Besides our thoughts and prayers the number one thing Coloradans and all Americans can do to help the victims is to donate to legitimate aid organizations, like the Red Cross, Salvation Army and others, whatever they can, whether it is one dollar or one thousand dollars.”

Congress will reconvene tonight to pass an emergency supplemental of $10.5 billion to aid the relief efforts in the Gulf. Congress could also suspend other business when they reconvene and consider other ways of getting assistance to the Gulf States affected by Katrina as early as Tuesday.

“This $10.5 billion is a good start and will ensure FEMA is able to continue rescue, aid and reconstruction efforts for the next several weeks,” said Salazar. “Time is of the essence, so I hope we can get to work right away to provide the federal emergency agencies, including the military, with any emergency authorities they may need; prepare assistance to fix the infrastructure of the affected areas (re-build highways and bridges); make sure we can open the ports in New Orleans as soon as possible and consider steps to ease the burden of rising oil and gas prices.”

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