For Immediate Release
July 1, 2005

Cody Wertz
Angela de Rocha


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate late Thursday night passed an amendment offered by U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (R-Colorado), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and U.S. Senator Ken Salazar (D-Colorado) to the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill that provides $15 million in benefits for Rocky Flats workers who would not have qualified for benefits because of the early completion of the cleanup at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS).

“These workers knocked themselves out to complete the Rocky Flats cleanup a year ahead of schedule. Providing them with the retirement benefits they would have received had the Rocky Flats project continued to December 2006 is an appropriate reward for saving the American people over $500 million in cleanup costs,” Senator Allard said.

“The Rocky Flats workers who dedicated their lives to working there and cleaning up the area should be considered national heroes – they have not only cleaned up an area once considered lost forever but they have saved money doing it,” Senator Salazar said. “This fund will help ensure that they are rewarded for their steadfast work and dedication.”

Senators Allard and Salazar also co-sponsored an amendment authorizing $10 million to purchase the mineral rights associated with the Rocky Flats site. Purchasing the mineral rights would ensure that the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge will continue to be a natural sanctuary for wildlife.

“I am proud of the work Senator Allard and I have done to secure the mineral rights at the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge. It will ensure the area is maintained as prime habitat for native Colorado species. The refuge is a testimony to the men and women who have worked so hard to clean-up the site and it is inspirational that Colorado’s birds, animals and plants will be able to thrive here again.”

"This legislation sets up a win-win situation and will allow us to complete the transfer of responsibility for the site from the Department of Energy to the Department of the Interior," Senator Allard said. "And it enjoys broad support, including Colorado Governor Bill Owens, Attorney General John Suthers and local officials."

The legislation will now be considered by a House-Senate Conference Committee, which Allard was appointed to by the Senate Majority Leader on Friday.