U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member of the Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

April 7, 2005

CONTACT:    Cody Wertz – Press Secretary


Jen Clanahan – Deputy Press Secretary




WASHINGTON, DC – United States Senator Ken Salazar this week sent a survey to gather input on the nation’s homeland security laws and the challenges facing state and local officials in their efforts to keep Coloradans safe from national security threats.

“In February, during my 17 regional planning meetings around Colorado, officials from all 64 Colorado counties raised homeland security issues and obstacles time and time again,” said Senator Salazar. “By understanding where our state and local law enforcement officials are encountering barriers, we can make Colorado safer for everyone.”

Senator Salazar’s survey focused on gathering input from three specific security areas:

• Timely, Accurate and Actionable Counterterrorism Intelligence.
• A Transparent and Reliable Grants Application Process.
• Effective Regional Emergency Response Procedures.

Senator Salazar has already received a dozen responses from police, fire and EMS officials as well as emergency managers. The responses received so far reveal that first responders on the local level are not getting consistent assistance on grants, intelligence, and help with regional planning. The survey results will help provide the type of on–the-ground expertise that Senator Salazar is looking to tap to guide his legislative efforts.

Senator Salazar’s survey was sent to a number of recipients with requests that they forward it to their membership (where appropriate), including:

Colorado Counties Association
• Colorado Department of Local Affairs
• Colorado Division of Emergency Management
• Colorado Emergency Managers Association
• Colorado Law Enforcement Officers' Association
• Colorado State Fire Chiefs' Association
• Colorado Police Protective Association
• Colorado State Fire Fighters Association
• County Sheriffs of Colorado
• Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police
• Federal Bureau of Investigation Denver Division
• Fraternal Order of Police
• The Emergency Medical Services Association of Colorado
• U.S. Department of Homeland Security
• Colorado P.O.S.T.

Senator Salazar requested permission from recipients of his survey to use their responses to inform Washington’s decision makers during their legislative process and illustrate the need for reform.

Included below is the text of Senator Salazar’s memo to Colorado’s state and local law enforcement and first responder community:


To: Colorado State and Local Law Enforcement leaders
From: U.S. Senator Ken Salazar
Re: Homeland Security Survey: Improving Government Coordination
Date: Monday, April 04, 2005

One of my top priorities in Washington is making sure state and local homeland security officials like you have the resources, information and infrastructure you need to do your jobs.

State and local emergency officials represent more than 95 percent of America’s counterterrorism capability. You are on the front lines of the war on terror. Despite this, you are not getting critical help you need in several key areas.

Congress and the administration have done a lot to improve the situation in recent years, but many challenges remain. Specifically, local officials do not currently have access to:

• Timely, Accurate and Actionable Counterterrorism Intelligence.
• A Transparent and Reliable Grants Application Process.
• Effective Regional Emergency Response Procedures.

I am writing to ask for your assistance and feedback. Too often, lawmakers in Washington develop federal policy without taking advantage of the expertise and knowledge of people on the ground.

I hope you will take the time to complete the attached survey and share your own experiences with me. Your insight and recommendations will be critical to me as I work to develop solutions to these problems.

I ask you to please return this survey to my office by May 31 to allow me to begin implementing your suggestions this legislative year.

Over the next six years, I want to be your partner in Washington. Together, I think we can significantly improve homeland security coordination between the federal government and state and local officials.

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