U.S. Senator Judd Gregg
United States Senator, New Hampshire
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October 25, 2008

                                                Contact: Andrea Wuebker/Laena Fallon

          NEW HAMPSHIRE - U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) today served as the principal speaker at the Commissioning Ceremony for the USS New Hampshire held at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, ME.  The USS New Hampshire is the fourth Navy vessel to have borne the state’s name and is the fifth submarine of the Virginia-class, the Navy’s newest class of nuclear submarines.

          Senator Gregg stated, “The commissioning of the USS New Hampshire at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is a great tribute befitting this region’s strong naval shipbuilding history.  It was an extraordinary honor for me to help introduce this world-class submarine brandishing the Granite State’s name.  The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has served our state and nation admirably since the Revolutionary War, and is repeatedly recognized as the Gold Standard of shipyards.  I congratulate the Commissioning Committee for a successful week of events for the crew and their families.  New Hampshire is proud to host such courageous and dedicated individuals and we wish them well on all their endeavors.”

          Over the last year, Senator Gregg has worked with U.S. Navy leadership to ensure that the commissioning ceremony was held at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.  The New Hampshire name was awarded to the submarine after a letter-writing campaign by the students at Garrison Elementary School in Dover.


October 2008 Press Releases

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