U.S. Senator Judd Gregg
United States Senator, New Hampshire
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October 21, 2008

                                                                CONTACT: WUEBKER/FALLON 202-224-3324

          NEW HAMPSHIRE – U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) today wrote to President George W. Bush urging him to locate the recently proposed global economic summit at the Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.  In 1944, the Mount Washington Hotel played host to the Bretton Woods conference and Senator Gregg is urging that its proposed sequel, should it take place, be held at the same historic location.

The full text of the letter is included below:

Dear President Bush:

           Over the past weekend, I noticed with interest that you, along with President Sarkozy of France and President Barroso of the European Commission, announced preliminary plans for a summit in the United States on the global economic crisis.  According to your joint statement and news reports, this gathering would bring together the heads of government from across the world and potentially revisit the Bretton Woods system of international finance.  If this summit were to occur, it is only fitting that such an event once again take place in the Granite State, and I respectfully request that you consider the Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire for hosting it.

           In 1944, the Mount Washington Hotel, which is the showpiece of the Mount Washington Resort, hosted the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference.  This gathering of over 700 delegates from 44 countries laid out the blueprint for the post-World War II global financial system, as well as gave birth to two important international institutions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.  The significance of this event only added to the grand history of the Mount Washington Hotel, which is a National Historic Landmark and has hosted numerous world leaders (including three U.S. Presidents), celebrities, and large conferences since its opening in 1902.

           In addition to its unique historical significance, the Mount Washington Resort’s excellent facilities and top-notch staff make it a secure, suitable, and stately backdrop for a world economic summit.  Surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest, the Mount Washington Resort also boasts natural beauty and outdoor activities that are unrivaled in the Northeast, if not the entire country.  When you consider all that the Resort has to offer, it comes as no surprise why this superb location is considered a world-class setting for political and business gatherings and has hosted many over the years.

           I hope that, when choosing the venue for a world economic summit, you select a setting that has the history, amenities, and first class reputation that could live up to the occasion.  The Mount Washington Resort, in my opinion, fits the bill perfectly.  I am confident it would be a warm and gracious host and ask for its consideration.


U.S. Senator Judd Gregg



October 2008 Press Releases

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