Bond and Emerson Celebrate Dedication of New Courthouse

Cape Courthouse a Symbol of Freedom, Tribute to Limbaugh

October 6, 2008

CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO – U.S. Senator Kit Bond and Representative Jo Ann Emerson today joined General Services Administration Regional Administrator Brad Scott, retired Judge Stephen Limbaugh, Sr., current Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr., Major Jay Knudtson and other local officials to dedicate the new Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. United States Courthouse in Cape Girardeau. 
            “This is not just another building,” said Bond.  “This courthouse is important symbolically as a reminder of the basis of America’s freedoms and a lasting tribute to Mr. Limbaugh’s service to his community, state, nation and to his beloved legal profession. For generations to come cases will be decided here that will have an impact on all our citizens.”
"Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. truly embodied the spirit of the law. For us in southern Missouri, it is especially appropriate that this new building bears his name, because Rush believed so strongly that the federal judiciary should have a presence among the people and not be confined to urban centers.  I'm very proud of all the members of the community who have worked hard to bring to Cape Girardeau a courthouse that will serve us as admirably, and as long, as Rush did," said Emerson.
The new courthouse was dedicated today to local hero Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. for his distinguished service to Missouri and the nation as a lawyer and citizen.  Last year, Bond and Emerson passed legislation that named the courthouse after Limbaugh.  Limbaugh was born of humble beginnings on a small farm in the hills of rural Bollinger county and lived and practiced law his entire life in Southeast Missouri.  Limbaugh was known across the country as a superb trial lawyer with impeccable character, integrity, and work.  Bond and Emerson noted that it is only fitting that the courthouse in Cape be named after one of Southeast Missouri’s most beloved public servants.
            Today’s celebration was made possible by the late Representative Bill Emerson.  It was Bill Emerson who first made the construction of the new courthouse and the dedication to Limbaugh a top priority.  Later his wife, Representative Jo Ann Emerson, took up the cause for the courthouse.  Also, Bond, a senior member of the Senate Appropriations, secured more than $55 million in federal funds over the years to make the courthouse a reality.
The new courthouse in Cape Girardeau is the most up-to-date, environmentally-friendly building of its kind.  The building, which opened in June, is designed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, which means the building was approved as an environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy place to live and work.  Some of the green features of the new courthouse include reduced site disturbance, erosion and sedimentation control, alternative transportation accommodations, water efficient landscaping and water use reduction. The building is also comprised of 10 percent recycled content, 20 percent locally-manufactured materials and low emitting materials.