Kit Bond

U.S. Senator - Missouri


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Senator: Today’s Vote is for New Jobs, Safer Travel, and Economic Development

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September 10, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Senator Kit Bond today praised his colleagues in the Senate for providing critical funding for our nation’s roads and bridges.



          “Today’s vote is a vote for new jobs in our communities, safer travel for our families, and economic development across the nation,” said Bond.  “Our highways, roads and bridges are the lifeblood for our economy and key to future economic growth which is why this fix to the Highway Trust Fund is so critical.”



          Today, the Senate passed by voice vote H.R. 6532, which authorizes the transfer of $8 billion from general revenues to the Highway Trust Fund to make up the drastic budget shortfall. 



          As ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds our nation’s transportation programs Bond included a similar provision in the fiscal year 2009 Transportation-Housing spending bill.



          Bond is a long-time advocate for critical infrastructure projects and has been sounding the alarm about the shortage in the Highway Trust Fund.  Since coming to the Senate in 1987, Bond has fought to increase Missouri 's share of federal dollars for transportation. As then-chairman of the subcommittee responsible for writing federal highway legislation, Bond brought $1.3 billion in new federal funds to Missouri to improve transportation infrastructure.





September 2008 News Releases

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