United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


November 13, 2008


~Senator Recognized for On-going Efforts to Attract Good-Paying, Skilled Jobs to West Virginia~

New York, N.Y. – In recognition of his efforts to build partnerships between West Virginia and Japanese industries, Senator Jay Rockefeller was presented with the “Eagle on the World” award last night by the members of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI). 
The Senator was personally invited to accept the award by Shigeru Hayakawa, President of Toyota North America, who also served as chairman of the dinner. In his remarks, Senator Rockefeller said that President Hayakawa is someone who he is proud to call a friend thanks to the enduring partnership forged between Toyota and West Virginia. To illustrate his point, Rockefeller talked about his pride in the West Virginians who work at Toyota’s plant in Buffalo, which is one of the fastest growing plants in the company’s history.
“Toyota allows us, in West Virginia, to brag about the world-class auto manufacturer we have in our state. We walk with our heads high when we proclaim that Toyota chose us as the first place outside of Japan to build Lexus engines and transmissions. We boast of the 1,500 jobs and more than $1 billion in investment they’ve brought us. And we hope they will decide to do even more in the years to come,” Rockefeller said.
“As the world struggles with the greatest economic crisis of my lifetime, here in the United States, and particularly, West Virginia, we are seeing the beginning of a new era,” Rockefeller said. “We need to secure the future of American manufacturing by making sure that we are the most forward-looking, innovative, dynamic global manufacturers.”
The board of directors of the JCCI includes many of the largest Japanese companies, including Sony, Brother International and Mitsubishi Chemical.
Since the beginning of his public service career in West Virginia, Rockefeller has looked for ways to open up new economic opportunities for the state by building strong relationships with Japanese companies. He has taken five trade missions to Japan, and has hosted more in West Virginia – resulting in nearly $2 billion in investments from 20 different Japanese companies in the state, including more than $1 billion and 1,500 jobs from Toyota alone.
In accepting the honor, the Senator spoke to an audience filled with leading Japanese business people and West Virginians from the Discover the REAL West Virginia Foundation and the West Virginia Development Office about why he believes West Virginia and Japan continue to share such a strong partnership.
“West Virginia and Japan have enjoyed a deep friendship rooted in our mutual values and cemented through trust, understanding and genuine affection for each other, our histories and our culture,” Rockefeller said. “I hope that the friendship between West Virginia and Japan will endure for many, many years to come.”
Rockefeller was joined by other West Virginians, including CEM Martin, President of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce and Kelley Goes, West Virginia Secretary of Commerce. Also in attendance were Toyota’s president and ambassador and representatives of Kureha Chemical – a chemical plant in Belle.