United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


October 29, 2008


Washington, DC – Flanked by students, teachers and administrators, Senator Jay Rockefeller today visited high-tech classrooms at Washington High School in Jefferson County. 
The Senator visited two different classrooms – one with students developing graphic design skills in a new computer lab, and another with a group learning to assemble and repair computers in a computer construction class. He also visited the school’s new television studio.
“This kind of technology not only makes learning fun, but opens up countless possibilities for students to look beyond traditional lesson plans. It allows them to take full advantage of the enormous opportunities at their fingertips,” Rockefeller said. “Washington High School is directly preparing these students for higher education and for jobs – high skilled and high paying jobs that will open doors, and help our students secure their own future.”
Senator Jay Rockefeller has always fought to provide West Virginia schools with technology and keep them connected to the Internet. He understands that technology prepares students not only for higher education, but also for good jobs -- jobs that are critical to securing a stronger economy in the future.  Twelve years ago he co-authored the E-Rate program, which has leveled the playing field for students across the country by connecting schools and libraries to the Internet.
Since the inception of the E-Rate program, West Virginia has received over $104 million in funding, with Jefferson County receiving more than $1 million to date, to help schools and libraries pay the cost of linking to the Internet. Rockefeller has closely monitored this program in the years since he first co-authored the program and is reintroducing a bill to protect the long-term future of the Universal Service Fund, which includes E-Rate, to ensure that funding continues to flow to schools and libraries across the state. A breakdown of West Virginia funding levels for each school and library is available on the Universal Service Administrative Company web site at http://www.sl.universalservice.org/funding.