On the Issues


Senator Levin is fighting for federal funding for Michigan’s hard working first responders, such as firefighters, police and health care workers. Every time the threat level warnings are raised, more dollars are needed to increase protection in Michigan. Our first responders are working hard, but the state and localities cannot be expected to carry the entire funding burden.

For the past five years, several state homeland security grant programs have distributed funds using a funding formula that arbitrarily sets aside a large portion of funds to be divided equally among the states, regardless of size or need. The current "small state formula" has severely disadvantaged states such as Michigan with high populations. The current formula guarantees all states, regardless of population or risk, with an unusually high base funding level of .75 percent of the total amount appropriated for state homeland security grant programs.

Senator Levin agrees with the 9/11 Commission that this funding should be allocated based on risk. He will continue to work in the Senate to achieve that goal.


Senate Chamber



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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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