On the Issues


The Great Lakes have over 160 non-native species, like the zebra mussel and Eurasian ruffe that have invaded the lakes from other regions of the world. Preventing future invasions into the Great Lakes is critical for the native fishery and wildlife.

Invasive species are microorganisms, pathogens, plants, fish, and animals that are not native to a region, but once they are established in a new area, invasive species disrupt the native wildlife. Most invasive species entered the Lakes through the ballast water tanks of ships. Congress passed laws in 1990 and 1996 that have reduced, but not eliminated, the threat of new invasions by requiring ballast water management for ships entering the Great Lakes.

Senator Levin introduced the "National Aquatic Invasive Species Act" (NAISA) to reauthorize and build on existing legislation. The bill establishes deadlines for interim and final standards for ballast water management with the goal of having all ballast water treated in an environmentally sound manner.

Other provisions would require the Army Corps of Engineers to construct a second dispersal barrier across the Chicago Ship and Sanitary Canal to keep species like the Asian carp from migrating into the Great Lakes. The bill authorizes funding for better coordinated and more policy-oriented research. It would help federal, state, and regional authorities guard against future invasions by developing early detection monitoring and rapid response plans.

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