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ICF International Awarded Estimated US$3M in Federal Grants for Energy Work in China

ICF to Promote Green Buildings in China

By ICF International Press Release

Market Watch

December 16, 2008

ICF Incorporated, LLC, a subsidiary of ICF International, announced today that it won two new federal grants to promote green and efficient buildings in China. The agreements were awarded by two different U.S. government agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) and the Department of State (DOS). The projects aim to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing energy use, and support China's domestic strategy for reducing energy use by 20 percent by 2010. The combined value of the awards is US$2.97 million.

"ICF's comprehensive knowledge of energy programs combined with our extensive network of public and private partners in China provides us with the capabilities needed to successfully implement these projects," said David Hathaway, ICF Managing Director for China Operations and energy efficiency expert. "We are excited about working with these partners to help this country reach its energy reduction goals."

The three-year USAID agreement began in October 2008 and is valued at US$2M. Under this agreement, ICF is managing an innovative public-private partnership program to promote green and energy efficient buildings in China. The tremendous surge in building construction over the past decade has led to large increases in energy use in this country. ICF will work with Chinese policymakers and key players in the property development and management sector to help address the new environmental challenges associated with this increase in energy usage.

Click here for the full story.

December 2008 News

Senator Tom Coburn

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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