The World War II Memorial


My office is ready to help Nebraskans navigate the complicated federal bureaucracy and cut through red tape. Among the many services we provide to our Nebraska constituents, we can assist in having a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for you and in setting up tours of popular historic and tourist sites if you visit Washington.

Helping Nebraskans

If you are having difficulty with a federal agency, we can help. We also make recommendations for students seeking an appointment to a U.S. military academy. MORE >


College undergraduates may apply for an internship in my Washington, D.C. or my Nebraska offices. MORE >

Senate Page Program

The page program exposes students to many interesting and challenging experiences. MORE >

Service Academy Nominations

Each year, I have the most gratifying responsibility and privilege of nominating Nebraska's finest young men and women to the Military (Army), Naval, Air Force and Merchant Marine Academies. MORE >

Can we help you?
If you are a resident of Nebraska and seeking help with a federal issue, we can help...
Not a resident?
If you are not a resident, please contact a senator from your state...
Students, can we help?
Explore our kids page designed just for you.
Interested in college, explore these links.