US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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Senator Salazar speaking in front of the Greeley Veterans Memorial


Senator Salazar with Staff Sgt. Jessica Cramer at Buckley Air force Base



Senator Salazar with Tom Bock, former National Commander of the American Legion







Supporting America's Veterans

I am very pleased to report that the Senate this week passed an historic expansion of the G.I. Bill’s educational benefits for veterans. Under the G.I. Bill of Rights for the 21st Century, passed as a part of the 2008 Supplemental Appropriations Act, veterans who have answered the call of duty since September 11, 2001, will receive educational benefits to cover the full cost of a four-year public education.

This bill restores the principle of the original G.I. Bill, passed to help World War II veterans returning home from service. As our country did for the heroes of the Greatest Generation, we are once again telling the heroes of our day that if you serve your country in wartime, your country will pay for your education. This is a powerful principle, and it is one that I am proud we are honoring again.

The 1.6 million soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan over the last seven years – often with multiple deployments that last up to 15 months – have given more than their country could have expected. It is right and proper that their country honor them with benefits commensurate with their service and sacrifice.

The new G.I. Bill of rights for the 21st Century makes higher education financially possible for our veterans and their families. It will pay for veterans’ tuition, books, and a monthly stipend. Under this bill:

  • Members of the military who have served on active duty since September 11, 2001, will receive educational benefits that will cover up to the full cost of a four-year public education. Members of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, will receive benefits proportional to their amount of active duty service since September 11, 2001.

  • For veterans pursuing an approved program of education, the new benefits will cover the established charges of their program, up to the cost of the most expensive in-state public school, plus a monthly stipend based on actual housing costs in their area. The bill would allow additional payments for tutoring, as well as licensure and certification tests.

  • Veterans may be eligible for a program that will match, dollar for dollar, any additional voluntary contributions that institutions make to cover tuition at schools that are more expensive than the maximum educational assistance provided under this bill

  • Veterans will have up to 15 years after they leave active duty to receive these educational benefits

The transition from wartime service to peacetime employment can be difficult, but this bill will help equip our brave service members with the education and skills to lead our country into an era of prosperity and growth. Our nation’s veterans have selflessly answered the call of duty. We owe them the opportunity of a debt-free, quality education.


Ken Salazar
United States Senator



Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have 

Senator Ken Salazar's DC office is located at 702 Hart Senate office building, Washington, DC 20510. He has Colorado regional offices in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Ft. Morgan, Pueblo, Durango, Grand Junction and Alamosa. For contact and mailing info, click here.