US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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Senator Salazar with children in the Senate Hart Building

Senator Salazar speaking to children at Westminster High School

Senator Salazar speaking at Primary Care Partners in Grand Junction

Senator Salazar with children in his DC Senate Office








Investing in America's Children

Yesterday, the Senate took a significant step to help tackle the health care crisis in America by sending the Children’s Health Insurance Program to the President. The Program has broad bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. We are sending a loud and clear message to the President --- that we must put our Nation’s children first and we must ensure they have access to quality health care so they can live healthy and productive lives.

In Colorado, there are 180,000 children that wake up each day without health insurance. Everyday their parents worry and wonder what will happen if their child gets sick and they cannot take them to the doctor. Or what they would do if their child is diagnosed with a serious illness. There are 180,000 souls in my state that face that kind of predicament today and will continue to suffer if President Bush does not sign this bill into law.

Investing in our Nation’s children is our moral and economic obligation. It would be reprehensible for President Bush to say no to the children of America. As the Lord urges us in the gospel ‘whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Today we are doing what the gospel would tell us to do—and take care of those that are the most vulnerable in our society. The Children’s Health Insurance Program does just that. It is the right and moral thing for Congress to do and I urge the President to help our Nation’s children and reconsider his veto.



Ken Salazar
United States Senator

Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have 

Senator Ken Salazar's DC office is located at 702 Hart Senate office building, Washington, DC 20510. He has Colorado regional offices in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Ft. Morgan, Pueblo, Durango, Grand Junction and Alamosa. For contact and mailing info, click here.




Sen. Salazar's Statements and Work

Sen. Salazar Statement on House-Senate Compromise on Children's Health Insurance Program

Sen. Salazar: Passage of Children's Health Insurance Makes Significant Investment in Our Children's Future

Sen. Salazar's Remarks on Bolstering CHIP

Sen. Salazar Blasts President Bush's Veto Threat of CHIP

Listen to Sen. Salazar Discuss the Children’s Health Insurance Program

For more releases, click here

Sen. Salazar in the News

Child health measure pits Dems against White House
Pueblo Chieftain

SCHIP boost on the line today

Denver Post

Vetoing kids' care: Ritter, Salazar right to fight for coverage

Boulder Daily Camera

Child health care funding is vital
Denver Post

Take Action

Urge President Bush to sign the CHIP bill!

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