US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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- Sen. Salazar Discusses Budget and This Weekend’s Upcoming “Colorado New Energy Summit – 2007”

- Three Colorado Bills Recieve Senate Hearing Chaired by Sen. Salazar

- Sen. Salazar Chairs Hearing on Bill to Create a National Latino Museum

- Salazar Criticizes Gonzales’ Role in U.S. Attorney Situation/ Introduces Bill to Secure Independence of U.S. Attorneys

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Circumstances and Allegations Surrounding U.S. Attorney Firings

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Farm Bill Hearing in Colorado, His Amendments to the 9/11 Commission Bill and Other Issues

- Sen. Salazar Announces Farm Bill Hearing in Colorado

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Walter Reed and Actions to Improve Care and Rural Policing Institute

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Homeland Security Efforts

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Law Enforcement and Education in Rural Communities and Army’s Pinon Canyon Announcement

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Stifled Iraq Debate, President’s Budget Proposal and Ag Disaster Relief Efforts

- Sen. Salazar Discusses Farm Bill and Announces Creation of Farm Bill Update Page to Collect Public Comment




   Greetings from U.S. Senator Ken Salazar
Hello Coloradans!

It's spring-time in Washington, D.C. and that can only mean its Budget time. Unfortunately, Congress has not successfully passed a budget for two years, and we are still operating under the Budget Resolution passed in 2005.

This Senate Budget Resolution funds our most important federal programs, provides new tax relief to middle class Americans and extends expiring tax provisions all while balancing the budget within five years – and without raising taxes. Yet, one of the most important parts of this budget is not a program or a tax cut – it is a simple principle: if one wants to take money out of the budget – either by increasing funding for federal programs or by cutting taxes – one has to pay for it. This is also known as “PAY-GO” and I have supported it every year I have been a U.S. Senator.

In other news this week, I have been critical of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ leadership role at the department of justice in light of the recent situation concerning the firing of United States attorneys. I am disappointed that the Department of Justice may have blurred the line between representation of President Bush and representation of the people of the United States.

On a similar note, I introduced a bill that would fine or imprison anyone attempting to coerce, pressure, or attempt to influence a U.S. Attorney’s decision whether to commence the investigation or prosecution of a person based on that person’s race, religion, sex, national origin, political activities, or political beliefs. The bill is titled, “The Furthering Independence of Federal Prosecutors Act,” and would make coercion a crime punishable by up to one year in jail or a fine of up to $50,000 or both.

On Monday, in Colorado, with Governor Ritter and the leaders of our state’s top research institutions and some of our Nation’s top businesses, I helped unveil the new Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels or (C2B2). The Center brings together public and private partners to change the way we produce fuels for our cars and make the products that we use in our daily lives. C2B2 is another reason Americans see Colorado as the Nation’s renewable energy capital.

Coming up this Saturday in Denver, the state and Nation’s top business, scientific and government leaders and members of Colorado’s energy community are convening to discuss recent renewable energy developments. The event, titled, “The Colorado New Energy Summit – 2007,” is the second renewable energy summit in two years in Colorado. If you are interested in renewable energy technologies or if you want to take advantage of clean energy tax incentives, join the nearly 1,000 Coloradans already attending and sign up here to attend and learn more.

Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. I hope you find it informative and I hope you are enjoying the great spring-time weather in our state this week!

Thank you,

Ken Salazar
United States Senator

Working for Colorado

UPDATE: Latino Museum bill receives Senate hearing

Salazar criticizes Gonzales’ role in U.S. Attorney situation/ Intros bill to secure independence of U.S. Attorneys

Subcommittee on National Parks hears three Colorado specific bills

Colorado business and government leaders announce creation of Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels (C2B2)

UPDATE: Sen. Salazar wins funding increase for NREL for FY07

For more releases, click here.

In the News
Delegation displeasure grows over Gonzales

Salazar questions A.G.'s role; Tancredo calls for resignation

Tancredo, Salazar criticize attorney general

NREL's Budget Increased For Fiscal Year 2007

For more news stories, click here.

Senator Ken Salazar's DC office is located at 702 Hart Senate office building, Washington, DC 20510. He has Colorado regional offices in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Ft. Morgan, Pueblo, Durango, Grand Junction and Alamosa. For contact and mailing info, click here.




In this Issue:   


Greetings from U.S
Senator Ken Salazar

Working for Colorado

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