US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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Senator Salazar with 10th Judicial District Deputy DA and USAF Reserves Liason Officer Major Mark Waller in Baghdad.

- Listen to Ken on KBCO with Bret Saunders

- Ken discusses his trip to Iraq and immigration reform with April and Steffan on 850 KOA

- Listen to Senator Salazar’s speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate regarding comprehensive immigration reform

In Other Action:

- Sen. Salazar votes for ethics and lobbying reform

- Sen. Salazar statement on House Resources Committee approval of Betty Dick bill earlier today

- Sen. Salazar reacts to USFS decision to extend public comment period



   Greetings from U.S. Senator Ken Salazar
Currently the Nation and the Senate are engaged with the issues of national and border security. We have a significant amount of work to do on both fronts and we must choose to find solutions to both because it is paramount to our future homeland and economic security.

Last week I traveled to Iraq, Afghanistan and several other countries with a bipartisan group of my Senate colleagues to hear the on-the-ground perspective of our military leaders, our troops in the field, and Iraqi officials. I returned to the U.S. overwhelmed by my admiration for and pride in our servicemen and women, who continue to work with commitment and professionalism even in the most difficult circumstances. I also returned with a deep appreciation of both the importance of success in Iraq, and the truly daunting nature of the challenges ahead.

Success in Iraq is dependent on several factors: controlling violence, creating a stable government of national unity, delivering basic services and the promise of economic development to the Iraqi people, and, where possible, establishing strong and supportive relations between Iraq and its neighbors in the region. If any one of these is missing, Iraq’s future becomes more uncertain and unstable.

We all recognize that U.S. forces cannot and should not remain in Iraq indefinitely and we want the people of Iraq to succeed in creating a democratic national unity government. At this point, the United States’ continued military presence in Iraq should depend upon Iraqi leaders promptly making the compromises necessary to achieve the broad-based, sustainable political settlement necessary to form a government of national unity and defeat the insurgency.

This week, I met with President Bush along with the other members of my delegation to Iraq to discuss our trip and what we observed.

We discussed with him the factors that success in Iraq is dependent on and I stressed that it was important to internationalize the effort by bringing in the neighbors of Iraq to help us in dealing with the economic and political challenges there.

Here at home this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee arrived at a compromise that addresses our country’s immigration challenges. I am pleased they sent a bill to the floor that helps strengthen our national and border security. I believe that if any legislative proposal is to succeed, it must be comprehensive including taking into account the needs of our agricultural and tourism industries. That legislative package must be:

TOUGH at the border and on employers that knowingly hire illegal immigrants,
FAIR to those who agree to pay taxes, learn English, and commit no crimes, and
PRACTICAL by providing solutions to today’s illegal immigration problems and addressing our future workforce needs.

The only way we can solve this issue is through bipartisanship. As the immigration legislation moves to the Senate floor I am working non-stop with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to ensure the end of the shadow economy, restore the rule of law, and remove incentives for future illegal immigrants to come here under the cover of darkness.

We have many challenges ahead of us to strengthen our national and border security. I am confident that together we can overcome these challenges and I look forward to the work ahead.

In addition, last week I and a bipartisan group of Senate colleagues, introduced legislation titled, the “Emergency Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2006,” which would provide immediate relief to farmers and ranchers suffering from ongoing losses due to natural disaster or rising input costs, like fuel.

Also, Senator John Thune (R-SD) and I introduced legislation that would establish the position of an Assistant Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs for Rural Veterans within the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The legislation would take additional steps to expand access to VA healthcare and other services for veterans living in rural communities. Many of our rural veterans put off necessary treatments because of the costs and extreme distances they must travel to get care.

In April, the Senate will recess for a two week work period during which I will travel across the state discussing the issues of national security, renewable energy, land use and development and more. I look forward to seeing you soon.


Ken Salazar

Working for Colorado

Sen. Salazar delivers immigration speech to Senate

Sen. Salazar votes for ethics and lobbying reform

Sen. Salazar statement on House Resources Committee approval of Betty Dick bill earlier today

Sen. Salazar reacts to USFS decision to extend public comment period


Senator Ken Salazar's DC office is located at 702 Hart Senate office building, Washington, DC 20510. He has Colorado regional offices in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Ft. Morgan, Pueblo, Durango, Grand Junction and Alamosa. For contact and mailing info, click here.




In this Issue:   


Greetings from U.S
Senator Ken Salazar

Working for Colorado


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