On the Issues


A nomination is a proposed presidential appointment to a federal office that is submitted to the Senate for confirmation. The Armed Services Committee is referred all nominations for military officer promotions in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force, as well as many high-level civilian officials in the Department of Defense, in each of the three military departments and in the Department of Energy.

One of the committee’s most important oversight responsibilities is the examination of nominations referred to it by the Senate. For example, during the 109th Congress (2005-2006) the committee handled 49 civilian nominations and almost 50,000 military nominations. The committee thoroughly reviews the background qualifications and policy views of senior military officers and all civilian nominees. Frequently, the committee conducts a nomination hearing to further explore the nominee’s qualifications and position on issues.

Following completion of its review, the committee will meet to vote its recommendation to the Senate on the nominee. Once reported to the Senate, the full Senate will vote on the nomination. A nominee is confirmed or rejected by a majority vote of the full Senate. The President is always notified following action by the Senate on each nominee.


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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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