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2.16.07 - House vote a 'clear and bipartisan vote of no confidence' in President's Iraq policy, says Welch
Washington, DC -- Rep. Peter Welch issued the following statement in response to the passage of H.Con.Res. 63, opposing the decision of the President to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq.

The measure passed with bipartisan support, 246 to 182, after a 36-hour, week-long debate.

"This vote is a clear and bipartisan vote of no confidence in the President's failed policy in Iraq.  This resolution is not the final word; it is only the beginning.  There will be no more blank checks for this President.  He should heed the call of the House and will of the American people.  It is time to end this war."

H.Con.Res. 63 can be found by clicking here.

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