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6.5.07 - Cong. Delegation Lauds Vt's Energy Efficiency Programs Earning State Top Ranking in National Report

Washington, D.C.  - JOINT RELEASE - Vermont's Congressional Delegation - Sen. Patrick Leahy (D), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), and Rep. Peter Welch (D) - praised Vermont's national leadership in energy efficiency, which earned the state a top ranking in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's The State Energy Efficiency Scorecard for 2006.

The report, which will be released later today in Washington, D.C., ranks Vermont number one nationally, tied with Connecticut and California, based on eight energy efficiency policy categories.  The full report is attached, or should be available to download later today by visiting www.aceee.org.

As the nation's first statewide provider of energy efficiency services, Efficiency Vermont is a hallmark example of a successful home-grown program that puts Vermont at the forefront of energy efficiency initiatives nationally. In commending the state's top ranking, the delegation noted that the federal government would do well to follow Vermont's aggressive leadership with nation-wide policies that promote efficiency and renewable energy development.

Leahy said, "This is further recognition of the example that Vermonters have long offered to the rest of the country in environmental and energy stewardship.  Vermont has been a longtime leader in energy efficiency standards, and efficiency investments have allowed us to save close to 2 percent of out annual electric needs -- more than any other state.  Vermont's congressional delegation is a catalyst for change also at the federal level, because we need to replace the status quo policies of a White House that has sat on its hands as the energy situation has worsened.  We must continue to expand our efficiency progress into other sectors as we work to protect our environment, spur renewable energy development, and foster the growth of a promising new sector of our economy." 

Sanders said, "Vermont is a very environmentally conscious state. People feel very strongly about the need to do something to reduce global warming, and they know that energy efficiency is critically important. To support the efforts of Vermont and other states to do even more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, I have proposed energy and environmental block grants that would be used by local and state governments to aggressively implement energy efficiency and renewable energy policies - from retrofitting old buildings to encouraging greater public transportation."

Welch said, "Vermont's bedrock values of Yankee frugality and environmental stewardship have long-driven our national leadership in promoting successful energy efficiency initiatives. I am committed to applying the successful and common sense policies we developed here in Vermont to federal policies in Washington. We need to provide energetic congressional action in replace of six years of presidential foot-dragging."

Click here to read the ACEEE's report (PDF)

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