Senator Benjamin L. Cardin - U.S. Senator for Maryland
In the News Press Releases Statements & Testimony Articles Ben's Briefing E-Newsletters
Dear Friends:

Global warming presents a clear and present danger to our nation and our world. Left unchecked, the impact of global warming - increased hurricane damage, real estate losses, energy costs and water costs - will affect the environmental health of our planet and cost our economy more than $1.9 trillion annually by the end of the century.

Maryland is clearly at risk from global warming. Consider these facts:
  • More than 12% of Maryland is designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area under the National Flood Insurance Program;
  • An estimated 68,000 Maryland homes and buildings are located within the floodplain; and,
  • In 2005, the Maryland Emergency Management Agency reported that Maryland is the 3rd most vulnerable state in the nation to flooding.
The United States has an opportunity to be a world leader in reducing harmful pollution while also retooling our economy for the 21st Century. This week, the Senate is considering the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act -- the most aggressive global warming bill in the world. The measure would cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 19% by 2020 and more than 70% by 2050. It also would invest in retooling America for tomorrow, including $61 billion for renewable energy and $138 billion to help heavy industry shift to cleaner energy sources.

As a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I am proud of the amendment that I introduced that would direct approximately $171 billion to states and localities for public transit nationwide. About two-thirds of this money would go to supporting existing systems like the Washington Metro, MARC, and MTA, while approximately 30% would be devoted to developing systems to take more cars off our roads, cut dangerous emissions and reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources such as OPEC.

Cutting dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and pollution is essential to the health of our nation's economy and the health of the global eco-system. Legislation to reduce global warming is years overdue but it's not too late. We need to act now




Past E-Newsletters

December 3rd, 2008
Economic Stimulus

October 24th, 2008

September 17th, 2008
Harriet Tubman Park

July 31st, 2008
Health Care Spending

July 8th, 2008
Terrorism and Pakistan

June 26th, 2008
Achieving Energy Independence

June 5th, 2008
Global Warming and Maryland

May 21st, 2008
Memorial Day

May 9th, 2008
Gas Prices

April 21st, 2008
Equal Pay Day

April 7th, 2008
Economic Stimulus Arrives

March 18th, 2008
Homebuyer's Tax Credit

February 8th, 2008
Economic Stimulus Passes

January 29th, 2008
State of the Union