Senator Benjamin L. Cardin - U.S. Senator for Maryland
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Immigration Section

Our nation's immigration and border security system is broken and must be fixed. We must require illegal immigrants to step forward and become legal and we must better secure our borders. The Congress and the President must work together to reform our laws to ensure this happens. We also must use the full force of the law against employers who hire illegal immigrants.

I support changes to the law that will require illegal immigrants to become legal. They must pay taxes, learn English, and pass criminal background checks. This process won't be easy or quick, but it will be fair and practical. Individuals who came to this country illegally will be bumped to the back of the line behind those who waited to come to this country legally. And illegal immigrants with a criminal record would be deported. Those who refuse to register and meet these conditions also should be deported.

  • To secure our borders, the government should require the use of a biometric and smart-technology for all land borders, so that we have an accurate record of who is entering and leaving our country. We have limited resources so they must be targeted. I supported recent appropriations that provided $1.6 billion for border security fencing, infrastructure and technology, and facility construction, as well as the hiring of 3,000 new Border Patrol agents.

  • The status quo is not working. Allowing 12 million to hide in the shadows and live in this country illegally is unacceptable. Our system must be fixed. We should secure our borders and require illegal immigrants to become legal. They must pay taxes, learn English, pass a background check and go to the back of the line to obtain citizenship.

  • We can no longer ignore big corporations who are hiring and exploiting illegal workers. This practice takes jobs away from Americans and depresses wages for everyone. These unlawful companies must be prosecuted and face stiff criminal and civil penalties.

  • We need smart policies like improved border patrols, technologically advanced borders, full enforcement of our laws, and requiring illegal immigrants to become legal.
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