January 1, 2009

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Death of Claiborne Pell

"I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of the giants of the Senate, Claiborne Pell, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family, his friends, and with the people of Rhode Island. Claiborne Pell was a voice for Rhode Island and a champion for the bedrock principle that every American deserves the chance to pursue his or her talents and achieve his or her potential. The grants that bear Senator Pell's name have enabled tens of millions of students to pursue a college education, opening the doors of opportunity as never before. Throughout his long and distinguished career, Senator Pell led with integrity, humor, and determination, writing landmark legislation that shaped policy in the arts, transportation, foreign relations, and of course education. He was an inspiration to me and to so many across this country. His passing is a time to reflect on his indelible legacy and to rededicate ourselves to the principles for which he fought: a more peaceful world, a fairer nation, and opportunity for all."


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