Home > Households, Buildings & Industry >Transportation Surveys > Fleets of Alternative-Fuel Providers

Because alternative fuel providers are likely to be important early users of alternative-fuel vehicles, EIA established surveys to collect information about the fleets operated by alternative fuel providers:

  • The surveys collected information from electricity, propane, and natural gas suppliers.
  • The three classes of providers operate a total of 422,127 vehicles in their fleets.
  • The providers are making use of alternative fuels, with approximately 60,000 (14 percent) of the vehicles being fueled by alternative fuels.

Overviews of Survey Results for:
Electric Utility Fleets
Propane Provider Fleets
Natural Gas Supplier Fleets

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Alternative-Fuel Providers Section (file size 112,625 bytes) pages--19.
Full Report (file size 838,356 bytes) pages -161.
Detailed Tables (file size 113,621 bytes) pages -- 27

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File Last Modified: June 17, 1998