United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


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Homeland Security

With a strong understanding of the threats facing the homeland, Senator Rockefeller has focused on reducing U.S. vulnerabilities by coordinating efforts with local, federal and state government, along with the private sector, to help safeguard American lives and interests.

In the immediate aftermath of September 11th, much of the focus in Congress was on improving aviation security. While he was at the forefront of those efforts, Senator Rockefeller also recognized that significant improvements were needed in the security of our rail network, our ocean-going ports and inland waterways system, and our highways.

Senator Rockefeller has continued his work on innovative ways to protect national transportation infrastructure and improve first responders' capabilities. He has worked closely with West Virginia's law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical teams to determine what resources they need in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. He has introduced legislation to provide rural law enforcement agencies with computer equipment and Internet access, and he has sought to authorize emergency security grants to hazardous materials shippers.

As Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee he has worked to ensure that law enforcement officials at the state and local level are connected to the national intelligence system and that they receive the support they need from the federal intelligence agencies.

Rockefeller has also hosted several Homeland Security Summits in West Virginia where local and statewide officials have gathered to discuss the homeland security needs of West Virginians. Many of the recommendations by the state's law enforcement, first responder community, and state and local officials have been included in legislation he has sponsored.