Academy Nominations


One important responsibility I have is to nominate young men and women for appointment to our military service academies. I have a strong interest in making sure that our military services have the highest quality officers in their ranks. One of the best routes to a career as a U.S. military officer is by attending one of the service academies. If you are a young man or young woman who wants to serve our country, I encourage you to consider applying to one of the military academies.

If you have not already done so, you should first contact the academies in order to receive pre-candidate information from the schools.

United States Military Academy
United States Air Force Academy
United States Naval Academy
United States Merchant Marine Academy

I use the competitive method of nomination. This procedure allows each applicant a fair chance to compete for available openings. Selection is based on the applicant's academic record, college board scores, extracurricular activities, motivation, character and leadership abilities.

Applications are available through my Detroit office at (313) 226-6020 or (800) 851-0030 (in state). You must return this as soon as possible in order for a file to be opened. Applicants must also submit SAT or ACT test results, high school transcript, letters of recommendation from English, math and science instructors, as well as the principal or counselor and one person who is not a relative but knows you well.

All of the above items should be received by my Detroit office by October 31, the closing date for all applicants. If you have any questions on the nomination process, please call the academy caseworker at the above phone numbers, or write to:

Academy Caseworker
Office of Senator Carl Levin
Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building
477 Michigan Avenue, Suite 1860
Detroit, MI 48226-2576

If you have any questions, please call (313) 226-6020 or (800) 851-0030 (in state).


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