Senator Edward M. Kennedy

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Washington D.C. 20510
p (202) 224-4543
f (202) 224-2417

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Boston, MA 02203
p (617) 565-3170
p (877) 472-9014
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The benefits of the administration’s economic policies have clearly failed to reach most Americans – especially those who are struggling to make ends meet. While corporate profits are at record highs, millions of Americans lack decent paying jobs and basic health care. Budget cuts to low-income housing, education, Medicaid, nutrition programs, and any number of effective anti-poverty initiatives are harming those most vulnerable in society. Large tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals have resulted in low wages and benefits for middle- and lower-income Americans.

True anti-poverty policies require compassion and fairness for all Americans. Democrats have a real agenda to fight poverty, providing opportunities in affordable housing, access to high-quality health care, funding for nutrition programs, and an investment in good jobs through education and job training. In addition, the federal government must invest in the country’s future by fully funding No Child Left Behind and making an honest commitment to Head Start and child care. Finally, raising the minimum wage is one of the most effective mechanisms for lifting people out of poverty. Minimum wage earners have not received a raise in eight years. During this same period of time, Congress voted themselves eight pay increases.

Real policies are needed to eliminate poverty in this country and ensure that men and women who work hard and play by the rules have the capacity to achieve the American dream.

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