United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
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“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

Alexander Statement on Upcoming General Petraeus Testimony on Iraq War
“General Petraeus has put us on a new path toward a successful and honorable end to the Iraq war.” – Lamar Alexander
April 4th, 2008 - U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today released the following statement regarding his expectations for the congressional testimony General David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, will deliver next week:

“General Petraeus has put us on a new path toward a successful and honorable end to the Iraq war. I would describe it as the Iraq Study Group recommendations as edited by Petraeus. There has been a shift in mission for our troops from combat to support and a stepped-up diplomatic and political effort. There has been recognition that we’ll have a long-term, but steadily diminishing, presence in Iraq, as more troops begin coming out than going in.

“I believe there is widespread agreement that the Petraeus plan and the surge of troops that went with that plan have been a military success thus far. I would like to hear General Petraeus’ thoughts on two questions: First, what progress are we making along the path toward a successful end to the war in Iraq? Second, now that we’ve implemented a successful American-led military surge, what are the prospects for an Iraqi-led diplomatic and political surge to speed the end of the war?

“It’s time for an Iraqi-led political and diplomatic surge. Let the Iraqis do more to reconcile their political differences, pay more of their own bills, and persuade their neighbors to locate embassies in Baghdad.”




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