United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
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“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

Alexander, Corker Statement on the Merger of Northwest and Delta
April 14th, 2008 - U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement on the merger between Northwest and Delta Airlines:

“This merger is vitally important for Tennesseans,” Alexander said. “I've talked directly with the chief executive officers of both airlines. They have assured me that the merger will mean strengthening the Memphis hub and better airline service at other major Tennessee airports.”

"Overall, I believe this agreement is great news for airline consumers and employees,” said Corker. “We have been assured that the new airline will maintain a strong presence in Memphis, and we will continue working to make sure that is the case.”

Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines announced late Monday night that the two would merge in a $3.1 billion deal creating the world’s biggest airline.

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