United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
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“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

Alexander, Corker Statements on Senate Confirmation of Tom Anderson
Anderson to Serve as U.S. District Court Judge for the Western District of Tennessee
April 10th, 2008 - WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Bob Corker (R-TN) made the following statements regarding today’s Senate confirmation of S. Thomas Anderson to serve as U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee. He was confirmed by voice vote.

“Tom Anderson’s nomination is an especially worthy one because he’s already a judge, having been selected as a U.S. Magistrate Judge in 2003,” Alexander said. “He has extensive experience trying cases from his nearly 20 years in private practice, and also enjoys strong support from Tennessee Democrats. There is a deep reservoir of goodwill for Judge Anderson in the state, and it reflects the fact that he is experienced, fair-minded and respected. I commend the Senate for moving quickly to approve Judge Anderson’s nomination before his predecessor, Judge Todd – who has served with distinction – takes senior status next month.”

“Exemplified by his unanimous approval in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Tom Anderson is well respected and possesses the knowledge and experience necessary to ably serve Tennesseans in the Western District,” Corker said. “I’m pleased the Senate has voted to confirm Judge Anderson and believe he will be an excellent addition to the federal bench.”

Nominated by President Bush in 2007, Anderson currently serves as a U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Western District of Tennessee. He replaces U.S. District Judge James D. Todd.



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