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January February March April May June July September
Nominations of the Assistant Secretaries of OSHA and MSHA. January 31, 2006

Chairman Enzi talking to Mr. Foulke

Sen. Enzi chairs the Hearing

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Memeber)

Mr. Edwin Foulke Testifying

Mr. Richard Stickler Testifying

Sen. DeWine and Sen. Isakson

The Role of Education in Global Competitiveness with Department of Education Secretary Margaret Spellings. February 9, 2006

Sen. Gregg and Chairman Enzi

Sen. Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Sen. Alexander

Secretary Spellings Testifying

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Sessions

Chairman Enzi talking to Sec. Spellings

Sen. Bingaman and Sen. Murray

Sen. Reed

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Burr

Secretary Spellings

Mine Safety Technology. February 15, 2006.

Sen. Isakson, Subcommittee Chairman

Sen. Murray, Ranking Member

Sen. Isakson

Mr. Campman

Mr. Droppleman, Mr. Grayson, and Mr. Kenneweg

Dr. Nutter

Dr. Nutter, Mr. O'Dell and Mr. Shearer

Mr. Grayson and Mr. Keeneweg

Mr. Walker and Mr. Zamel

The Audience Members

Roundtable on Competitiveness: Building and Filling the Pipeline. February 16, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Enzi

Sen. Ensign

Sen. Alexander

Dr. Bzdack

Dr. Layzell

Mr. Ajax

Dr. Riddile

Mr. Bailey

Mr. Schwarz

Mr. Shelton

Ms. Brooks-Crocker and Dr. Morningstar

Ms. Day

Ms. Freeney

Ms. Langston

Ms. Varner

Ms. Willner

Sen. Enzi with Ms. Langston

PACE Act: Teachers. February 28, 2006.

Sub-Committee Chairman Sen. Alexander

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Ensign

Sen. Bingaman

Asst. Sec. of Edu. Tom Luce

Mr. Roy Vagelos

Dr. Mary Ann Rankin

Dr. Hai-Lung Dai

Ms. Veronica Garcia

Ms. Dolly Flanagan

Sens. Isakson and Alexander Talking to the Witnesses

The Audience Members


Protecting America’s Competitive Edge Act: Helping K-12 Students Learn Math and Science Better. March 1, 2006.

Sub-Com. Chairman Sen. Alexander

Sub-Com. Ranking Member Sen. Dodd

Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Burr

Sen. Ensign

Sen. Bingaman

Mr. Rudin and Asst. Sec. Johnson

Gov. James Hunt

Asst. Sec. of Edu. Henry Johnson

Mr. Arden Bement

Mr. Peter O'Donnell

Mr. Joshua Tagore

Sen. Alexander with the Witnesses

The Witnesses

Fighting the AIDS Epidemic of Today: Reauthorizing the Ryan White CARE Act. March 1, 2006

Chairman Enzi

Ranking Member Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Sessions

Sen. Burr

Sen. Clinton

Dr. Elizabeth Duke

The State of Mine Safety and Health. March 2, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Byrd

Sen. Rockfeller

Sen. Byrd and Sen. Rockfeller

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Isakson

Mr. David Dye

Mr. Ray McKinney

Dr. John Howard

Dr. Jefferey Kohler

Roundtable on Answering the Call: The Response of Community-Based Organizations to the 2005 Gulf Coast Hurricanes. March 7, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Mr. Craig Nemitz

Mr. Daroff and Ms. Fagnomi

Mr. Mostafa Mahboob

Mr. Thomas Green

Mr. Todd Hawks

Mr. W. Gaddy and Mr. T. Hazelwood

Mr. William Daroff

Ms. Almetra Franklin

Ms. Andy Miller and Jayne Wright

Ms. Miller, Wright and Franklin

Ms. Heather Feldman

Ms. Kay Wilkins

Ms. Lorna Bourg

Ms. Tonya Harris

The Witnesses

Executive Session and Nominations. March 8, 2006.

Chairmn Enzi

Sen. Kennedy, Ranking Member

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Ensign

Sen. Gregg

Sen. Harkin

Sen. Hatch and Sen. DeWine

Sen. Isakson and Sen. Burr

Sen. Jeffords

Sen. Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Reed

Sen. Roberts

Sens. Roberts, Hatch, DeWine, Isakson, Burr

The Audience Members
Enhancing Public Health and Medical Preparedness: Reauthorization of Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act. March 16, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Dodd

Sen. Burr

Sec. Leavitt

Mr. Richard Falkenrath

Dr. Leah Devlin

Dr. Richard Melton

Dr. Dan Hanfling
Public Health Preparedness in the 21st Century. March 28, 2006.

Subcommittee Chairman Burr

Dr. Elin Gursky

Dr. Lisa Kaplowitz

Dr. Nicole Lurie

Dr. Richard Besser

Dr. Tara O’Toole

Dr.Michael Caldwell

Ms. Peggy Honore
Realtors Present National Poll on Small Business Health Plans. March 30, 2006.

Mr. Thomas Stevens, President of NRA

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Nelson

Sen. Burns

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Enzi

Mr. Bill McInturff, Public Opinion Strategies

Ms. Celinda Lake, Lake Research Partners

The Press Conference

Sen. Enzi, Mr. Stevens and Ms. Laurie Urbigkit
All-Hazards Medical Preparedness and Response. April 5, 2006.

Sen. Burr, Subcommittee Chairman

Sen. Burr

Sen. Hatch

Sen. Harkin

Ms. Ellen Embrey

Dr. John Agwunobi

Dr. Lawrence Deyton

Dr.E.Bresnitz and Dr.R.Gougelet

Dr.T. Inglesby and Dr. R. Serino

Agwunobi and Ms. Embrey

SBHP Petition Delivery Press Conference. April 26, 2007.

Chairman Enzi speaking at the Press Conference

Chairman Enzi at the Press Conference

Chairman Enzi answering reporters questions

Sen. Nelson

Sen. Burns

Mr.Todd Stottlemeyer, President of NFIB

Sen. Enzi with small business advocates

Sen. Enzi, Ms. A. Austin, and Mr. J. Wilson

Sen. Enzi, Ms. Lewis and Mr. Rosenthal

Chairman Enzi talking to reporters


Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities: A Model for Aging in Place. May 16, 2006.

Sen. DeWine, Subcommittee Chairman

Sen. DeWine and Sen. Mikulski

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Mikulski, Subcommittee Ranking Member

Mrs. Beth Shapiro

Mrs. Garver Keller

Ms. Pierson

Mrs. Sutton Burke

Mrs. Vladeck and Ms. Ginzler

Sen. DeWine with the witnesses

Sen. Mikulski with the witnesses

Sen. Mikulski talking to the witnesses


Medical Liability: New Ideals for Making the System Work Better for Patients. June 22, 2006.

Chairman Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Cornyn testifying

Dr. David Studdert

Mr. Philip Howard

Dr. William Sage

Mr. Richard Boothman

Ms. Susan Sheridan

Dr. Cheryle Niro

Dr. Neil Vidmar


Hearing on S. 3128: The National Uniformity for Food Act. July 27, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Enzi

Sen. Burr

Sen. Roberts

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Chambliss testifying

Sen. Feinstein testifying

Sen. Boxer testifying

Mr. William Stadtlander

Mr. Peter Hutt

Dr. Elsa Murano

Mr. William Hubbard


Employment-Based Permanent Immigration:  Examining the Value of a Skills Based Point System. September 14, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Sessions

Sen. Sessions and Sen. Enzi

Sen. Enzi greeting the witnesses

Dr. Charles Beach

Dr. George Borjas

Dr. Douglas Massey

Dr. Alan Tonelson
Swearing-in Ceremony of Peter C. Schaumber and Wilma Liebman to be members of the National Labor Relations Board. September 27, 2006.
Roundtable on Crisis in the ER: How Can We Improve Emergency Medical Care? September 27, 2006.

Sen. Burr

Dr. Frederick Blum

Ms. Nancy Bonalumi

Ms. Margaret Van Amringe

Dr. Robert Bass and Ms. Amringe.

Dr. Leon Haley
Full Committee Hearing on Food Safety: Current Challenges and New Ideas to Safeguard Consumers. November 15, 2006.

Chairman Enzi

Sen. Burr

Sen. Isakson

Dr. Kevin Reilly

Dr. Lonnie King

Dr. Robert Brackett

Dr. Robert Whitaker

Mr. Jeff Palmer

Ms. Terri-Anne Crawford

Mr. John Vazzana
Full Committee Hearing Hearing - Hearing on Building a 21st Century FDA: Proposals to Improve Drug Safety and Innovation. November 16, 2006.

Chairman Enzi and Sen. Kennedy

Sen. Hatch

Sen. Isakson

Sen. Clinton

Sen. Murray and Sen. Reed

Sen. Reed

Sen. Kennedy greeting the witnesses

Ms. Sheila Burke

Dr. Steven Nissen

Dr. Adrian Thomas

Ms. Diane Thompson

Mr. Jim Guest and Mr. Greg Simon

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