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About Steve

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Energy Security | National Security | Health/Environment | Education | Center Aisle Caucus | Years of Service | Committee Assignments

Rep. Israel - official headshotCongressman Steve Israel represents New York’s 2nd Congressional District, which includes the Long Island towns of Huntington, Babylon, Islip, Smithtown and Oyster Bay. Israel serves on the House Appropriations Committee - one of the most powerful committees in Congress; and previously served on the House Armed Services Committee and Financial Services Committee. He is considered a legislative leader on the issues of energy security, professional military education and prescription drug safety. He was first elected in 2000 and is now serving his 4th term in the House.

Rep. Israel's leadership positions include:

  • Member, House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water
  • Member, House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs
  • Assistant Democratic Whip
  • Co-chair and founder of the House Center Aisle Caucus
  • Co-chair, House Cancer Caucus
  • Co-chair, Long Island Sound Caucus
  • Chair, House Democratic Caucus Task Force On Defense and the Military
  • Co-chair, House Democratic Study Group on National Security Policy

In 2005, Israel formed the House Center Aisle Caucus – a group of nearly 50 House Democrats and Republicans working to establish a respectful dialogue on contentious issues instead of partisan attacks and insults. As Israel said in creating the Caucus: "Democrats and Republicans may disagree on 75% of the issues. But if we agree and implement the remaining 25%, the country is 100% better off than before." The Caucus is supported by former Democratic House Speaker Tom Foley and Republican Leader Robert Michel.

Rep. Israel lives in Dix Hills with his wife, Suffolk County Family Court Judge Marlene Budd. He has two daughters, and two miniature schnauzers named Max and Gracie.

Energy Security Highlights [top]

As a Member of the House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Energy and Water, Israel is leading Congress in funding renewable and advanced technology initiatives to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. A former member of the House Armed Services Committee, Israel has argued that every military challenge we face now and in the near future is impacted by our vulnerability to foreign oil. Israel’s “Next Generation Energy Security Plan” replaces thirty years of back-steps, missteps and small steps on energy with one giant leap towards energy independence. Israel’s plan is a “man-on-the-moon” federal commitment to catalyze the private sector to research, develop and produce “clean energy” technologies. A tireless advocate for energy efficiency and renewable energy funding at the Department of Energy, Congressman Israel serves as congressional vice-chair on the board of the Alliance to Save Energy.

Click here for the plan

National Security Highlights

  • Recognizing Israel’s expertise on national security issues, the House Democratic leadership tapped him to serve on the House Armed Services Committee in the 108th and 109th Congress. Israel was one of only two New York Members of the Committee and the only New York Democrat.
  • Chairman, House Democratic Caucus Task Force on Defense & The Military — the official Democratic Caucus task force on national security issues.
  • Founder and Co-chairman, House Democratic Study Group on National Security Policy — a group of House Democrats pursuing innovative new foreign policy and national security approaches for 21st century challenges.
  • Recognized as a congressional leader on reforming the education and training of military personnel to emphasize linguistics, cultural awareness, regional expertise, military history, demographics and more. Israel’s leadership resulted in the addition of several important amendments on military education to the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill.

Health and The Environment Highlights [top]

  • In 2006, Israel was an original cosponsor and passed the Long Island Sound Stewardship Act, which authorizes $100 million over 4 years in funds to protect and preserve critical environmental areas near the Long Island Sound.
  • Co-chair, House Cancer Caucus – a group of 99 House Members working to improve US policy on research, treatment and eradication of cancer deaths and illness.
  • Co-chair, Long Island Sound Caucus – a bipartisan group of House Members supporting efforts to improve the ecology and economy of Long Island Sound communities.
  • Sponsored and passed the “Save Our Women from Ovarian Cancer Act” – a bill supporting accelerated federal testing of new technologies to detect and diagnose ovarian cancer.
  • Israel is leading efforts in Congress to accelerate health information technologies which improve the quality of care and reduce costs.
  • 100 percent voting record by the League of Conservation Voters in 108th Congress.

Education Highlights [top]

  • The father of two daughters - both in college  - Israel has sponsored major legislation to provide a $5,000 tax credit per student, per year for higher education expenses.
  • Sponsor of legislation to create federally-matched Lifetime Education Savings Accounts.
  • Israel has visited over 100 schools in his congressional district since his election in 2000.

Center Aisle Caucus [top]

  • Rep Israel co-chairs the House Center Aisle Caucus - a group of nearly 50 House Democrats and Republicans working to establish a respectful dialogue on contentious issues instead of partisan attacks and insults.
  • The Caucus is seeking common ground on a diverse range of issues, including energy independence and health care.
  • As Israel said in creating the Caucus: "Democrats and Republicans may disagree on 75% of the issues. But if we agree and implement the remaining 25%, the country is 100% better off than before."
  • The Caucus is supported by former Democratic House Speaker Tom Foley and Republican Leader Robert Michel.

Years of Service [top]

  • First term: 2001-2002 (107th Congress)
  • Second term: 2003-2004 (108th Congress)
  • Third term: 2005-2006 (109th Congress)
  • Fourth term: 2007-2008 (110th Congress)

Committee Assignments [top]

Prior Assignments [top]

  • House Armed Services Committee (2002-2006)
  • House Financial Services Committee (2000-2006)
  • Photos: Rep. Israel's photo album organized by month.
  • Issues: What Rep. Israel is doing on the issues important to you.
  • News: Latest press releases and articles on Rep. Israel.
  • Legislative Center: Committee assignments, sponsored legislation, caucus memberships and more.