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GPO-FDLP-L Archives – May 2008

  1. 2008 Annual Interagency Depository Seminar

  2. 2008 Annual Update Cycle

  3. 2008 Spring Council Meeting Transcripts

  4. Administrative Notes Technical Supplement: Jan. - Feb. 29, 2008/WEBTech Notes Intermediate Solution

  5. Book Conservation Program Available in OPAL Archive

  6. FDLP Marketing Plan

  7. GPO Mar. - Apr. 15, 2008 issue of Administrative Notes now available

  8. GPO Practice Change: Cutter Numbers

  9. GPO Seeks Comments on Public Access Assessment Documents

  10. Microfiche Conversion Contract Award & Distribution

  11. New Electronic Titles - April 2008

  12. New Resources for Federal Depository Library User Feedback

  13. Nominate a Depository Library of the Year

  14. Online Learning on Book Conservation via OPAL

  15. PURL Server Crawler Rules

  16. Small Package Delivery: Destroying FedEx Labels

  17. URL CORRECTION - Online Learning on Book Conservation via OPAL
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