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Hispanic Task Force Members

Sen. Ken Salazar
HTF Co-Chair
Image:Kensalazar.jpg Sen. Robert Menendez
HTF Co-Chair
Image:Robert Menendez official photo.jpg
Sen. Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader Image:Harry Reid official portrait.jpg

Sen. Debbie Stabenow Steering and Outreach Chair

Image:Debbie Stabenow official photo.jpg


Sen. Jeff Bingaman

Image:Jeff Bingaman.jpg

Sen. Barbara Boxer

Image:Barbara Boxer 2005.jpg

Image:Sherrod Brown, official House photo, color.jpg

Image:Richard Durbin official photo.jpg

Image:Russ Feingold official photo 2.jpg

Image:Dianne Feinstein congressional portrait.jpg

Image:Ted Kennedy, official photo portrait.jpg

Image:John Kerry headshot with US flag.jpg

Image:Frank Lautenberg official portrait.jpg

Image:Joe Lieberman official portrait.jpg

Image:Barbara Mikulski.jpg

Image:Bill Nelson.jpg


Image:Jack Reed official portrait.jpg

Image:Jim Webb official 110th Congress photo.jpg

Image:Sen Sheldon Whitehouse.jpg