U.S. Congressman Adam Putnam, Proudly Serving Florida's 12th District
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December 12, 2008 - Putnam congratulates teachers


Putnam congratulates teachers

December 12, 2008

Congressman Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) today congratulated 54 teachers from Florida’s 12th District who have just received National Board Certification – the highest certification level in the teaching profession.

“I commend these 54 dedicated and talented educators who went through a rigorous, performance-based assessment to reach their certification.  National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) make up nearly 7.8 percent of Florida's teaching force, and 32.3 percent of our NBCTs teach in Title I Schools,” said Putnam.  “Clearly our school system is blessed to have such quality in our classrooms, impacting our students throughout the entire school year.

“I recognize that highly qualified teachers are an integral part in improving educational progress in the classroom,” said Putnam.

Florida leads the nation with 1,826 new National Board Certified Teachers – more than any other state.

“I am impressed by the hundreds of educators that makeup National Board Certified Teachers in the 12th District. The value and leadership provided is unmatched and I know the NBCT growth in Florida will continue to increase, as will student achievement,” said Putnam.


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