Senator Thad Cochran

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker
March 8 , 2007 (202)224-6414


            WASHINGTON, DC – Federal funding totaling more than $8.5 million has been awarded for Hurricane Katrina recovery costs, U.S. Senators Thad Cochran and Trent Lott announced today.  The grants, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are awarded to the City of Biloxi, the City of Long Beach, and the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi for costs associated with hurricane recovery.

“I am pleased to see the release of funding to rebuild infrastructure in Biloxi and Long Beach,” Senator Cochran said.  “In particular, the reconstruction of roads, bridges, buildings, and parks will allow life and commerce along the Coast to continue to flourish despite the devastation from the hurricanes.”        

Senator Lott said, “These are important initiatives that are a big part of restoring the quality of life and vitality of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  Mississippi’s delegation will continue working hard to ensure our state’s recovery needs get federal support, and I am confident that this money will benefit people throughout our coastal community.”                             

Details on today’s awards are as follows:

·  $4,691,904.56 - City of Biloxi – Parks Recreational Facilities and Other Items.  On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina generated wind in excess of 120 MPH and a 20 foot tidal surge along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, which damaged the 4,824 ft long by 24.5 ft wide old highway 90 fishing pier. The waves from the storm surge destroyed all but one of the 155 / 31 ft sections of the pier deck. This $5,213,227.29 represents the estimated cost to repair the fishing pier to current code consisting of 156 deck sections 31 ft long and 24.5 ft wide with 49 inch guard rail on each side. Each deck section will rest upon concrete pile caps that are in turn each supported by four 14 in square by 75 ft long concrete piles. The pier will support light vehicles of the type used for handicapped and emergency accommodations/

·  $2,759,609.62 - Catholic Diocese of Biloxi, Buildings.  Katrina damaged the Catholic Diocese’s St. Paul and St. Thomas campus, located in Biloxi, Mississippi.  The five facilities suffered over 50% damage and the applicant has requested a relocation of both campuses out of the flood zone into one campus St. Vincent DePaul. This $3,066,232.91 represents funding to relocate St. Paul and St. Thomas campus to a new site located out of the Flood Hazard Zone in an effort to reduce repetitive damage.  The new site is located on 14.25 acres of land that is owned by the applicant.  This PW provides funding for site work and ancillary cost for roads, parking and utilities of the new site. St. Paul was designed for 225 students and St. Thomas was designed for 320 students and the new facility at St. Vincent DePaul will be designed for 500 students. This is an Improved Project and funding is capped at $3,066,232.91, with a 90% Federal Share of $2,759,609.62.

·  $1,088,311.28 - City of Long Beach – Roads and Bridges. Hurricane Katrina resulted in extensive damage to public infrastructure throughout the city of Long Beach.  This $1,209,234.75 provides funding to make permanent repairs to the asphalt surface coarse on city streets south of the railroad tracks that was eroded away by surge water and ultimately damaged by heavy debris removal equipment and haul trucks as well as sewer and water line storm repair damage. Repairs to be made are to the magnitude of 106,208 LF or 19,914 tons of asphalt repair to roads, curbs and gutters, trenches, and sewer connections. This $1,209,234.75 represents funding for the estimated costs to repair the roads below the railroad tracks to their pre disaster condition.



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