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U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow - Press Release

December 19, 2008

Contact: Press Office
Phone: 202-224-4822

Stabenow Statement on Provisions in the Auto Rescue Package
WASHINGTON —U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), today made the following statement regarding provisions placed in the administration’s auto rescue package.

“This morning, the White House has been characterizing the bridge-loan package as simply having goals for worker concessions. Unfortunately, now that we are seeing specifics of the proposal, this is simply not the case.

“These provisions raise serious concerns regarding unfair, punitive conditions being place on the backs of workers. The same workers that have already made historic concessions. It is very unfortunate that as part of the good news, of this important bridge loan, this proposal unfairly singles out workers.

“I look forward to working with President-elect Obama in the new year, and my colleagues in the Senate and House, to make this a better package that is fair to all parties involved, including middle-class workers.” - U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow