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 updated May 15, 2007

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3550 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85012
(602) 771-8500


Arizona Flood Warning and Drought Monitoring System

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

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Arizona-Mexico Commission
 Water Committee

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 Community Water Planning
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 Groundwater Data

GWSI Map.jpg

NewSearch and download groundwater data for ADWR’s entire Groundwater Site Inventory database (GWSI) including automated sites and index wells. Use the simple search wizard to find data, create custom hydrographs and locate wells with an interactive map
 Hot Topics

ADWR releases Zuni Indian Water Rights Settlement Preliminary Catalog of Non-exempt Registered Wells

The Arizona Department of Water Resources released a preliminary catalog of non-exempt registered wells in the Eastern Little Colorado River Basin (Preliminary Catalog) for inspection and comment.

ADWR plans to review comments received on the Preliminary Catalog for inclusion in a Final Catalog to be submitted to the Court by December 19, 2009.

ADWR compiled the Preliminary Catalog in accordance with the Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement, approved by the Little Colorado River Adjudication Court (Court) on November 27, 2006. The purpose of the Preliminary Catalog is to identify and verify existing, non-exempt registered wells in the area by registration number, legal description, and owner. To view the catalog (24 MB), click here

Click here for the transmittal letterPDF

Click here for the News release

The documents also are available for viewing at a number of sites around northeastern Arizona. For a complete list, consult the News Release linked above.

ADWR releases Hydrographic Survey Report for Hopi Indian Reservation

The Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released the preliminary Hydrographic Survey Report for the Hopi Indian Reservation (Hopi Preliminary Report) for inspection and comment.

The Hopi Preliminary Report was prepared by ADWR as part of the Little Colorado River General Stream Adjudication (LCR Adjudication), which is pending before the Apache County Superior Court.

The purpose of the Hopi Preliminary Report is to provide the Hopi, the United States and interested parties with the opportunity to inspect the information that ADWR gathered, and to file comments with ADWR.
In accordance with A.R.S. § 45-256(H), the ADWR Director gives notice that the comment period on the Hopi Preliminary Report shall extend until March 31, 2009.


ADWR News Release
02_Table of Contents
05_Figures (29 MB)
07_Appendices A through F (142 MB)
07a_Appendix A-3 *
08_Appendix G-1 (219 MB)
09_Appendix G-2 (10 MB)
10_Appendix G-3 (337 MB)
11_Appendix G-4

* This folder contains database and "shapefiles" which require ESRI GIS software to view. The files illustrate Hopi-claimed water sources - wells, springs and impoundments.

Where indicated, some files are extremely large. Downloading without broadband Internet service is not recommended.

The documents also are available for viewing at a number of sites around northeastern Arizona. For a complete list, consult the News Release linked above.

Department Issues Decision on Prescott Application to Modify Assured Water Supply Designation

On November 12, ADWR issued an appealable decision on the City of Prescott's application for modification of its designation as having an assured water supply.

Prescott submitted its application on October 12, 2007. During the Public Notice period, the Department received multiple objections. After considering the application, the objections, the response of Prescott, and further analysis by Department staff, the Department determined that the application satisfies all of the requirements for a designation of assured water supply.

Click here to view the decision (2 MB)

NewADWR Releases the AMA Assessment Data Templates 

Water use information for each AMA by source and sector, and recharge data, is now available for the years 1985-2006. Click here to see the data

Workshop for Water Providers on January 20, 2009: Modified Non-Per Capita Conservation Program, Conservation and Best Management Practices

This free workshop will include information and resources about municipal conservation measures that promote the efficient use of water. The workshop will focus on the new regulatory program (Modified Non-Per Capita Conservation Program) for large municipal providers in Active Management Areas, however, water providers from around the state are encouraged to attend to learn:

  • How to promote water efficiency and communicate conservation messages to customers (sources of conservation messages, bill inserts, websites, newsletters, etc.)
  • Where to get water conservation materials (booklets, brochures, fact sheets, etc.)
  • How to select conservation programs that match your service area characteristics or water use patterns

  • Click here for more information about the workshop.

    Click here to take the survey to help us determine future workshop content.

    Click here for more information about the Modified Non-Per Capita Conservation Program.


    The Well Supply Application for the Phoenix AMA Assured Water Supply re-Designation process is now available. If you have received your log-in information you may log in and begin using the application. Click here to go to the log-in page. Any questions or problems logging in or using the application? Please contact Wesley Hipke at (602) 771-8560.

    ADWR Releases Updated and Enhanced Compliance and Enforcement Manual

    ADWR achieves compliance within the regulatory programs under its authority through increased education and public awareness efforts. To view the ADWR Compliance and Enforcement Manual. click here.

    ADWR 2007 Compliance and Enforcement Report click here.

    ADWR 2008 Compliance and Enforcement Report (January 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008) click here.

    Arizona Water Atlas

    Arizona Water Atlas Volumes 1 The Arizona Water Atlas is a compilation of currently available water-related information for the State of Arizona. To date, Volumes 1 - 8 are posted on this website. Atlas Volumes are posted in draft form in order to allow for review and comment by the public prior to finalization. Comments on all volumes must be received by October 31, 2008. Final versions of each volume will be posted in early 2009, along with Volume 9 – Water Sustainability Evaluation.


    Arizona Land Subsidence Maps 

    ADWR has developed land subsidence maps for all those areas around the State where ADWR collects, processes, and interprets Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data. ADWR’s InSAR program started in 2005 with a NASA Earth Science Grant. The program has been greatly enhanced through cooperative efforts and funding with numerous government and private water companies.


    On November 26th, 2008, the Department submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, proposing to amend the Assured and Adequate Water Supply Rules as required by SB 1575, enacted in the 2007 legislative session.


    In 2007 the legislature passed SB 1575 which among other things, provides clear authority for cities, towns and counties to adopt an ordinance requiring new subdivisions to obtain from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (Department) a determination of an adequate 100-year water supply in order to obtain final plat approval from the local platting authority. As a result, the Department is in the process of amending its existing Adequate Water Supply Rules as required by SB 1575.

    Completion of the Informal Rule Making Process

    ADWR completed a series of statewide informal stakeholder meetings as part of the public process to form consensus around changes to the water adequacy rules. Beginning in February of 2008 and completed in November of 2008 the Department held over 20 informal stakeholder meetings in various locations across the state. 

    In addition to input at the informal stakeholder meetings, the public had an opportunity to submit written comments about the draft rules. The deadline for written informal public comments was August 15, 2008.  The Department completed its review of the informal public comments, and made several changes to the draft rule as originally proposed as a result. On November 5, 2008 the Department provided a summary of comments and responses and amended DRAFT Rule Language.

    November 5, 2008 Release  PDF

    Initiation of the Formal Rule Making Process

    On November 26th, 2008, the Department submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, proposing to amend the Assured and Adequate Water Supply Rules (A.A.C. R12-15-701, et seq.), as required by SB 1575. The Department requested that the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking be published in the Arizona Administrative Register on December 19, 2008.

    The Department will accept public comment on the proposed rules at the following date and place: 
           DATE:              January 21, 2009
           TIME:               1:00 p.m.
           PLACE:            Arizona Department of Water Resources
                                  3550 North Central Avenue
                                   Second Floor, Verde Conference Rooms 
                                   Phoenix, Arizona 85012

    Written comments will be accepted until January 21, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. Written comments should be addressed to: 
            NAME:            Kathleen Donoghue, Docket Supervisor
            ADDRESS:      Arizona Department of Water Resources 
                                  3550 North Central Avenue 
                                  Phoenix, Arizona 85012
           TELEPHONE:   (602) 771-8472
           FAX:                (602) 771-8683

    For questions regarding the rulemaking, please contact:
           NAME:             Doug Dunham, Deputy Assistant Director 
           ADDRESS:       Arizona Department of Water Resources
                                  3550 North Central Avenue
                                  Phoenix, Arizona 85012



    For your information, below is a copy of the letter from the Department along with the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (This is not the OFFICIAL Version), that has been submitted to the Secretary of State. Please note the official Notice of Rule Making has been published in the Arizona Administrative Register ,  you can access the OFFICIAL VERSION by visiting the Secretary of State's website. (link will start on page 3 of the pdf)

    Letter from Department PDF

    Notice of Proposed Rule Making PDF

    Modifications to the Hydrologic Guidelines

    DRAFT Hydrologic Studies Demonstrating Physical Availability of Groundwater for Assured and Adequate Water supply Applications (Hydrologic Guidelines) PDF

    -For questions or comments, or if you wish to be added to e-mail list sign-up click here.

    For more information on the rules process, click here:

    Transportation of Groundwater

    This notice informs the public that the Department of Water Resources (ADWR) is currently reviewing the public comments submitted for the new proposed rules for interbasin groundwater transportation in certain areas of the state. As part of this informal process, ADWR has made written public comments available for review click here.

    Click here to view the draft rules updated June 18, 2008.

    The public have an opportunity to submit written comments about the new proposed rules for interbasin groundwater transportation in certain areas of the state. Comments may be directed to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, 3550 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85012 Attn: Doug Dunham, Deputy Assistant Director, or through the e-mail comment click here. The deadline for public comments will be the close of business, August 15, 2008.

    -For questions or comments, or if you wish to be added to e-mail list sign-up click here.

    Santa Cruz Active Management Area - Assured Water Supply Rules

    The Department announces the modification of the assured water supply rules for the Santa Cruz Active Management Area (SCAMA). The rule modification process was initiated in 2007 with the formation of a stakeholders group. Multiple meetings were held with various stakeholders in the SCAMA to discuss potential modifications to the rules. A copy of the draft rules is available here.

    The Department asked the stakeholder group and interested parties to submit written comments to the Department in late 2007. The summary of the comments are posted here for review. The Department will also be providing responses to the comments. The Department anticipates holding another stakeholder meeting to discuss the draft rules, comments, and Department responses in late October. Schedule and agenda will be posted here.

    -For questions or comments, or if you wish to be added to e-mail list sign-up click here.

    Home page last updated .





ADWR Director Herb Guenther

ADWR Director

Herb Guenther

Welcome to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, where our mission is to ensure a long-term, sufficient and secure water supply for the State. I hope you find this Web site provides you with easy access to information about the department, its programs and services.

Director's Biography

ADWR Annual Report 2008



ADWR Statewide Hydrologic Monitoring Program
ADWR is tasked with providing stewardship of the State’s precious and limited groundwater resources through active management and enforcement of the Arizona Groundwater Code. The Department’s Hydrology Division engages in a wide variety of ... More»

Check Your Water Supply

Arizona County Map
Click on your county for information about your water provider, assured and adequate water supplies, and information about watershed groups.


Tips/Tools to Save Water

Everyone can save water - it's just common sense!  Click here for easy ideas on ways you can conserve water and become part of Arizona's "Culture of Conservation"!


Join a Watershed Group
Click here for the Watershed Group Interactive Map with more detail on the 17 watersheds.
Arizona has 17 watershed groups and partnerships actively working on preserving and protecting our precious water resources.  Click on your area for information on a group in your area.

   ADWR Affiliates:

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Arizona Department of Water Resources
3550 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Effective November 28th, 2005, our location & Driving Directions to ADWR
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Phone: (602) 771-8500
Long Distance within Arizona: (800) 352-8488

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