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For people with questions about their Medicare benefits, including how to apply, what is covered, options under Medicare, and other general information, answers are readily available on the Medicare website, Should you have difficulties with your Medicare benefits, you may print out Senator Kyl's Privacy Act Consent form, complete it, and send it to his Phoenix or Tucson office with supporting documentation.

Insurance For People Under 65

Your coverage may be under the purview of the Arizona State Department of Insurance, the Pension and Welfare Benefits Division of the U. S. Department of Labor (ERISA or self-insured plans), or the state AHCCCS program. Although most of the options are not federally administered, Senator Kyl is able to forward your concern to the appropriate agency for response. Print out Senator Kyl's Privacy Act Consent form, complete it, and send it to his Phoenix or Tucson office with supporting documentation.

If You Are Uninsured

For those of you who are uninsured, Senator Kyl has information to help you obtain coverage, locate the nearest community health center or sliding-scale fee clinic where you may receive care, or find other assistance. You may contact his Phoenix or Tucson office for help.

Research Funding

Senator Kyl has voted to double spending at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) during the five year period which ended in 2002, and has supported further increases in research funding every year since then. He believes that the experts and scientists at the NIH are best able to decide how to spend the funding dollars. NIH funding figures are available for the current three year period. Should you want information on specific disease-research studies, print out Senator Kyl's Privacy Act Consent form, complete it, and send it to his Phoenix office with your specific request and documentation.

Example of Medicare inquiries Senator Kyl can make on behalf of constituents:

“My wife’s claim for a doctor’s visit was denied by Medicare. Can the Senator look into this?”

With proper authorization from the constituent, Senator Kyl can contact Medicare Part B and ask why the claim was denied. Some denials are due to billing and coding errors, while others may simply be cases of non-covered services. There is an established procedure for requesting a reconsideration or appeal, and Senator Kyl's staff can help you through the process.

“Medicare will not approve a request for a wheelchair that I really need. What can the Senator do?”

Senator Kyl can contact Noridian, the agency which processes durable medical equipment claims for Arizona, and obtain coverage criteria, as well as get the reason for denial.

"I signed up for Medicare, but Medicare does not show that I am enrolled. Can Senator Kyl help?”

Senator Kyl can contact the Social Security Administration, the agency responsible for enrolling people into Medicare, and assure that the information has been passed along to the Medicare program.


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Printable Version

Privacy Act Consent (PAC) Form (pdf, 550K)
** Note: this form can be filled out online, printed, SIGNED, and mailed or faxed to the office.)

Casework Guidelines

Example Cases

Senator Kyl's statement on Health Care policy

Arizona State Department of Insurance
Pension and Welfare Benefits Division of the U. S. Department of Labor


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