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Press Release of Intelligence Committee

Senate Intelligence Committee Unanimously Approves Pre-War Intelligence Report

Contact: Bill Duhnke (202) 224-1700
Thursday, June 17, 2004

WASHINGTON, DC– Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the Committee's Vice Chairman, issued the following joint statement:

"Today, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence voted unanimously to approve its report on pre-war intelligence regarding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs, ties to terrorists, threat to regional stability and violations of human rights. Today's vote is the culmination of over one year of intense scrutiny by the Committee of the Intelligence Community's pre-war assessments. The Committee is currently engaged with the Central Intelligence Agency over the issue of classification. The Committee is extremely disappointed by the CIA's excessive redactions to the report. Our goal is to release publicly as much of the report's findings and conclusions as soon as possible. We will work toward that goal, as we continue our work on phase two of the Committee's review."

211 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-1700
Copyright © 2006 United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence