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Applications for Direct Farm Sales Grant Program Now Due Dec. 29

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture press release

December 8, 2008

HARRISBURG – Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff today extended to Dec. 29 the deadline for a state-administered federal grant program that helps Pennsylvania farm stands and farmers markets grow their business and better serve their local communities.

Grants of up to $7,500 are available through the Direct Farm Sales Grant program to promote new or existing farm stands or farmers markets managed or operated by Pennsylvania-based businesses, non-profit organizations, farmers and local governments.

“Direct farm sales play an important role in our agricultural economy and help link consumers directly to producers,” said Wolff. “The grant program supports the efforts of the state’s farm stands and farmers markets by providing these businesses a greater opportunity to reach out to local consumers and provide fresh, quality produce from Pennsylvania farmers.”

Each grant applicant must provide at least 25 percent of the grant amount in matching or in-kind services.

Grants may be used for the following eligible projects:

• The cost of developing a business plan for a new farm stand or farmers market;
• Costs associated with opening a new farm stand or farmers market, including site selection, demographic research, farmer recruitment and sales potential analysis;
• Promotion of an existing farm stand or farmers market through marketing materials, media outreach and advertising;
• Staffing costs to manage and operate a farm stand or farmers market;
• The purchase of tables, stands and other display materials for use in a farm stand or farmers market;
• The provision of nutrition education materials or educational materials about Pennsylvania farm products; and
• Outreach to program participants to increase involvement in food assistance programs.

Applications must be delivered or post-marked by Monday, Dec. 29. Completed applications may be delivered or mailed to Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Distribution, 2301 N. Cameron St., Room 401, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408.

For more information about the grant program or to download an application, visit www.agriculture.state.pa.us and select the “Direct Farm Sales Grant Program” link under “What’s New.”

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