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Riverfront concept plan due next month


Bucks County Courier Times (Pennsylvania)

December 10, 2008

An anticipated riverfront concept plan will be unveiled to the public next month, officials said.

With a few changes here and there and a lot of discussion, members of the Riverfront Committee have agreed on features they will make into a concept plan that can be viewed at a public meeting Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at the Bristol Borough hall.

The date was announced at Tuesday's committee meeting, where it was decided that the design will include an emergency access ramp, public access to the beach, lighting, buffering, and traffic restrictions on Pine Grove Street. No public ramp is planned.

The Bucks County Redevelopment Authority is guiding the study conducted by Langan Engineering. The study and plan are being conducted with the help of a $120,000 federal grant.

Through the study process, Langan professionals have met with representatives from the Department of Environmental Protection and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

The DEP encourages plans that keep the sites as natural as possible, said Nathaniel Burns, a landscape architect with the firm.

The committee, which is composed of borough and county officials, residents and members of the Anchor Yacht Club, has been meeting since about mid-year to discuss and study the best use of the area of town bordering the Delaware River.

Pine Grove residents oppose a public boat ramp on what is a 450-foot wide and 40-foot long parcel of ground squeezed on a narrow residential street.

Committee member Ed Crossan said he wants the plan to incorporate Bristol's charm.

“Historical integrity has to be maintained,” he said.

Gema Maria Duarte can be reached at 215-949-4195 or gduarte@phillyBurbs.com.

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