Voting Record

As Rhode Island's senior Senator, I believe in a government that is both open and accountable to the people. In an effort to make my voting record readily accessible to the public, this page provides a detailed list of my votes in the current and past Congresses.

If you can't find the information you are seeking on this page, please do not hesitate to contact my office to find out where I stand on a particular issue.

654 votes found, showing 630 - 654.

Congress Vote Date Vote Title Description Vote Result
110 01/25/2007 Motion to Waive Re: DeMint Amdt. No. 158 To increase the Federal minimum wage by an amount that is based on applicable State minimum wages. Nay Motion Rejected
110 01/24/2007 Allard Amdt. No. 116 To afford States the rights and flexibility to determine minimum wage. Nay Amendment Rejected
110 01/24/2007 Motion to Invoke Cloture on H.R.2 A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide for an increase in the Federal minimum wage. Yea Cloture Motion Rejected
110 01/24/2007 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Gregg Amdt. No. 101 To provide Congress a second look at wasteful spending by establishing enhance rescission authority under fast-track procedures. Nay Cloture Motion Rejected
110 01/23/2007 Sessions Amdt. No. 106 As Modified To express the sense of the Senate that increasing personal savings is a necessary step toward ensuring the economic security of all the people of the United States upon retirement. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/23/2007 Snowe Amdt. No. 103 As Modified In the nature of a substitute. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/18/2007 S.1 As Amended A bill to provide greater transparency in the legislative process. Yea Bill Passed
110 01/18/2007 Lieberman Amdt No. 30 To establish a Senate Office of Public Integrity. Yea Amendment Rejected
110 01/18/2007 Bennett Amdt No. 20 To strike a provision relating to paid efforts to stimulate grassroots lobbying. Nay Amendment Agreed to
110 01/17/2007 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Reid Amdt No. 3 To S.1 In the nature of a substitute. Yea Cloture Motion Rejected
110 01/17/2007 Reid Amdt No. 4, As Modified and Amended To strengthen the gift and travel bans. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/17/2007 Bennett Amdt. No. 81, As amended To permit travel hosted by preapproved 501(c)(3) organizations. Nay Amendment Agreed to
110 01/17/2007 Feingold Amdt. No. 65 To prohibit lobbyists and entities that retain or employ lobbyists from throwing lavish parties honoring Members at party conventions. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/16/2007 Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Reid Amdt. No. 4 to S.1 To strengthen the gift and travel bans. Yea Cloture Motion Agreed to
110 01/16/2007 Demint Amdt. No. 11, As amended To strengthen earmark reform. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/16/2007 Durbin Amdt. No. 44 As Modified To strengthen earmark reform. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/12/2007 Vitter Amdt. No. 10 To increase the penalty for failure to comply with lobbying disclosure requirements. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/12/2007 Kerry Amdt. No. 1, As Modified To amend title 5, United States Code, to deny Federal retirement benefits to individuals convicted of certain offenses, and for other purposes. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/11/2007 Motion to Instruct Sgt. at Arms A bill to provide greater transparency in the legislative process. Yea Motion Agreed to
110 01/11/2007 Motion to Waive CBA DeMint Amdt. No. 13 To prevent government shutdowns. Nay Motion Rejected
110 01/11/2007 Motion to Table DeMint Amdt. No. 11 To strengthen earmark reform. Yea Motion to Table Failed
110 01/10/2007 Motion to Table Vitter Amdt. No. 6 to prohibit authorized committees and leadership PACs from employing the spouse or immediate family members of any candidate or Federal office holder connected to the committee. Yea Motion to Table Agreed to
110 01/10/2007 Motion to Table Vitter Amdt. No. 5 To modify the application of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to Indian tribes. Yea Motion to Table Agreed to
110 01/10/2007 Vitter Amdt No. 7 To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to establish criminal penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or failing to file or report certain information required to be reported under that Act, and for other purposes. Yea Amendment Agreed to
110 01/08/2007 S. Res. 19 A resolution honoring President Gerald Rudolph Ford. Yea Resolution Agreed to