
Accessing Quality Health Care

  • Coauthored the Nurse Reinvestment Act, which was signed into law, to help alleviate the nationwide nursing shortage. (107th Congress) 
  • Authored and received a vote (49-48) on medical liability reform legislation. (108th Congress) 
  • Secured $1.35 million for the Nevada Cancer Institute. (108th Congress) 
  • Coauthored the Mammography Quality Standards Act Reauthorization, which was signed into law, to renew MQSA for two more years by maintaining quality standards for mammography services. (108th Congress) 
  • Coauthored the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, which was signed into law, to continue federal support for bone marrow and umbilical cord blood research as part of the effort to find cures or improved treatments for diseases including Parkinson’s, diabetes, and heart disease. (109th Congress)  
  • Worked to remove obstacles to the loan guarantee process for the hospital in Pahrump which resulted in a $17.5 million loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (109th Congress)  
  • Authored the HEALTH Act and continues to take the lead on medical liability reform. (109th Congress)  
  • Fought to keep Nathan Adelson Hospice (NAH) of Las Vegas open when a flawed administrative ruling nearly forced its closure.  By includeding a provision in the Tax and Trade Extenders bill to correct the administrative decision by the federal agency overseeing Medicare.  NAH remains open and continues meeting the needs of southern Nevadans.  (109th Congress) 
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