Casework - StepOne

Step One of Three

*Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Information & Requirements

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for administering the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. If you need information pertaining to individual and business taxes, tax laws, and forms and publications, the IRS web site provides information that can be downloaded for current and previous tax years. You also can call the IRS's toll free number, 1-800-829-1040. You will go through an electronic list and eventually be directed to a representative who can assist you with most questions.

If you only need to know the status of your tax return you can call 1-800-829-4477.


After you have used the above resources, if you feel that you were not given a satisfactory answer or they were not able to help, please contact my office. If you would like us to contact IRS on your behalf, you will need to complete the Privacy Act waiver and submit it to any of my four state offices along with any supporting documentation in order for a casework representative to assist you.

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