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I believe small businesses play a critical role in Utah's economy. As Utah's Senator, I am committed to helping small business owners by reducing their tax burden, finding the resources they need to be successful, and helping them cut through bureaucratic red tape.

If you are planning to start a small business, or need help with an existing business, please refer to the brief list of web sites provided below. I also encourage to contact my grants coordinator or my small business liaison to discuss your specific needs.

Finally, if you feel you are being treated unfairly by a federal agency, please contact me. Before calling, please be sure you have done everything you can by working with the federal agency and the Small Business Administration. This will help us come to a speedy resolution of your problem.

**NEW: For those small business owners affected by the rampant piracy and counterfeiting in China, the U.S. Trade Representative has a dedicated hotline -- (866) 999-HALT -- and a new website to make it easy for U.S. companies to secure and enforce their intellectual property rights overseas.**

For more information, please contact:

Small Business Liaison
c/o Senator Orrin G. Hatch
202 Hart Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
US Senator Orrin Hatch

Small Business Websites Link
visit website Grant Guide
visit website SCORE (Counselors to America’s Small Business)
visit website Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
visit website Small Business Administration
visit website Utah Department of Community and Economic Development
visit website Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund

104 Hart Office Building - Washington, DC 20510 - Tel: (202) 224-5251 - Fax: (202) 224-6331