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US Senator Orrin Hatch

My office can arrange for a U.S. flag to be flown over the Capitol and mailed to you with a certificate of authenticity. The certificate includes information specified by you, such as the date the flag was flown, or the person and/or occasion it honors. To place an order, please print and fill out the form and mail it to the address below along with your payment. My office cannot process the request until it receives the order form and a check or money order made payable to "Keeper of the Stationery" for the required amount. Please note that mail takes approximately one month to reach our office and the flag request can take 4 - 6 weeks to process, so send your request well in advance.

Flag coordinator c/o Sen. Orrin Hatch
8402 Federal Building
125 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
Phone: 801-524-4380

Date of Request   Flown For
Date to Fly   Occasion
Mail Flag To  
Phone Number   Contact Person

Flag Stock Number Flag Size Flag Type Quantity Flag Price Total Cost of Flags
O080A 3' X 5' Cotton X $9.25
O081A 3' X 5' Nylon X $9.00
O082A 4' X 6' Nylon X $13.50
O083A 5' X 8' Cotton X $20.00
O084A 5' X 8' Nylon X $18.00
Total All Flags
Quantity To
Be Flown
X $4.05
Quantity To
X $4.00
Total Charges

104 Hart Office Building - Washington, DC 20510 - Tel: (202) 224-5251 - Fax: (202) 224-6331