Senator Edward M. Kennedy

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Washington Office

317 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510
p (202) 224-4543
f (202) 224-2417

Massachusetts Office

2400 JFK Building
Boston, MA 02203
p (617) 565-3170
p (877) 472-9014
f (617) 565-3183

Contact Senator Kennedy

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You can test the validity of this site by clicking the links at the very bottom of the page. There are links for XHTML, CSS and Section 508 Compliance.

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RSS News Feeds

RSS is a news delivery service that allows you to recieve constant news updates from my office without having to visit the web site. Currently if you are using either Mozilla Firefox, Apple's Safari or the Opera web browser RSS news readers are built in to the browser. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer you can download a stand alone news reader application.

For Firefox Users

To subscribe to Senator Kennedy's News Feed follow these directions.

  1. Click the icon that looks like this Firefox's RSS Icon in the location bar of your browser. The location bar is where you type internet address and is usually located near the top of your browser window
  2. You will be asked to name the News Feed, you can name it whatever you would like.
  3. Click the "Add" button
  4. You should now have a bookmark located in your bookmarks folder and/or on the bookmarks bar in your browser window. Clicking on this bookmark will show you a list of all new items available for reading at Senator Kennedy's web site

More information on subscribing to RSS feeds in Firefox.

For Safari Users

To subscribe to Senator Kennedy's News Feed follor these directions.

  1. Click the icon that looks like this Safari's RSS Icon in the location bar of your browser. The location bar is where you type internet address and is usually located near the top of your browser window
  2. Your browser will now open the News Reader page for you.
  3. On the right hand side of the page are a series of links. Click the "Add Bookmark..." link.
  4. You will then be asked to name this RSS Feed. Safari will suggest a name for you.
  5. Click the "Add" button
  6. You should now have a bookmark located in your bookmarks folder and/or on the bookmarks bar in your browser window. Clicking on this bookmark will show you a list of all new items available for reading at Senator Kennedy's web site

For Opera Users

To subscribe to Senator Kennedy's News Feed follor these directions.

  1. Click the icon that looks like this Operas's RSS Icon in the location bar of your browser. The location bar is where you type internet address and is usually located near the top of your browser window
  2. You will be asked to name the News Feed, you can name it whatever you would like.
  3. Click the "Add" button
  4. You should now have a bookmark located in your bookmarks folder and/or on the bookmarks bar in your browser window. Clicking on this bookmark will show you a list of all new items available for reading at Senator Kennedy's web site

For Internet Explorer Users

You will need to download and use an external news reader that will contain its own set of instructions for importing our RSS feed. The link for the RSS feed is feed://